Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 630

"Then try to see if it's enough! The emperor's fist is the only one

When ye Tian sees Louis' action, he has no fear on his face. He smiles indifferently and uses his magic power. He uses the method of emperor's fist recorded in suihuangguan's idea and smashes his fist at Louis' right leg, which comes from his head like a whip.


With a terrible crisp sound, along Louis's right leg, it immediately became 90 degrees bent, and the man flew upside down and fell on the ground two feet away.


Whether it's Chandler or other killers, looking at the scene in front of us, my heart is shivering.

Louis's terrible change made them feel that this former companion was just like the devil in the myth. He was not only ferocious, but also terrible. The cruel atmosphere made people tremble and despair, and they felt that he could not be defeated at all.

But in their eyes, it was as powerful and terrifying as the devil, but in front of Ye Tian, he was smashed out with one blow. Not only that, he even broke his leg bone, and his blood was like rain, which made the snow on the ground become bright red.


But just then, a scene that made them feel even more creepy appeared. After Louis landed, he suddenly twisted his leg, which was broken by Ye Tian's fist, as if he hadn't noticed any pain. After the bone fracture, he jumped up to him again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Standing for a moment, he waved his hands, fist after fist, just like a whistling rain, to vent to Ye Tian.

The terrible attack, the instant of the fist, the sound of terror, makes the heaven and earth seem to be beating like a drum, shaking endlessly, and makes people around feel that their heart is about to be broken into pieces.

Even more, Chandler and other prisoner killers feel that at this moment, with their body, if they only get a blow, they are afraid that they will be smashed into a pair. The flesh and bones in their chest will burst into powder, and they can't die any more.

But it's such a terrible fight. Ye Tian has no fear. He has a fight with Louis. He even has the upper hand. After a short bombardment, Louis's two fists are almost invisible and ferocious.

But in such a terrible situation, Louis still kept punching, as if the pain of his hands, as far as he was concerned, was no different from being bitten by an ant, just a trivial pain.

"How can he hold on? Why not fail? "

But although the pain was isolated from him, it could not be attacked for a long time. That kind of irritability, like a flame, swept through Louis's heart. Moreover, with the passage of time, he gradually felt that his heart beat faster and faster.

Because, that kind of rapid heartbeat, let him have a kind of palpitation like feeling.

He knew that if the feeling of palpitation appeared, it would be the moment when he could no longer break out such a terrible force at this moment, but the strange thing was that even at this moment, he still had no way to take ye Tian, and even did not cause a slightest scratch to each other.

The feeling of exhausting all the power with all one's strength, but it doesn't help, makes people feel that every punch has entered the cotton ball, and they can't find any force point.

"Your strength is nothing more than that! Kneel down

And at this time, ye Tian suddenly low voice, and then, suddenly put out his hand, fell on Louis's shoulder.

That kind of feeling, let Lewis instinctively shake the shoulder, shake Ye Tian's hand down from the shoulder.


But before his body twisted, he suddenly felt that ye Tian's hand was as heavy as a towering mountain, which made his shoulder sink suddenly. His shaking posture suddenly stagnated, and then, along the shoulder bone and scapula, there were terrible sounds of bone cracking.

Then, his knees, too, began to soften. There was a feeling that he wanted to kneel down.

But this feeling, just born, Louis suddenly clenched his teeth, Mou full body strength, try to resist, want to use the body to leave the hand open.

It's a pity that even though he did his best, he still felt that the power was above the world, which made him unable to compete at all. His spine could only become more and more bent, and his knees trembled more and more violently.

What's more terrifying is that at this moment, he began to hear the heart beat faster and faster, and even began to reverberate in the eardrum.


But at this time, along the back of Ye Tian, a prisoner killer struggles to hold a gun with one hand, presses the trigger, whistling bullets, and flies to Ye Tian.

"You can't help yourself, you're looking for dead things!"

Ye Tian despises it, and the fierce soldier's flying sword blocks it. The roaring bullet hits the flying sword. The brass bullet hits it hard. Shengsheng turns it into a piece of copper. After it slides down from the flying sword, the sword is as clean as new, and even has not left a trace."Hiss!"

Then, the flying sword swept, swept out, swept the neck of the shooter, a blood line suddenly appeared, at the same time, the mountain wind roared, his head, like a ball, immediately rolled down from his shoulder and slid into the snow below.

This cruel scene, let other originally because of the pain of broken arm, hate crazy, want to shoot revenge to Ye Tian Tian Tian Tian prisoner killers, one by one suddenly gave up the idea in the heart.

Broken arm, although painful, but it is possible to live; but to Ye Tian hand, that waiting for them, only a dead end!

"Kneel down!"

At this time, ye Tian looks at Louis and drinks out his voice again. At the same time, his strength suddenly increases again.

"Dong! Ho Ho... "

The added power fell on Louis' shoulder, like the last straw that killed the camel, which made him feel that his head, at this moment, was resounding with the terrible roar of his heart, followed by the powerful force that suddenly swept the whole body, like the flood of breaking the dike, disappeared along the body, that kind of detachment The feeling of strength made him open his mouth, like a fish out of the water, panting violently.

Not only take off the force, he also felt that the body could not feel the fatigue and pain, at this moment, also all swept, pain like a tide, suddenly submerged him, his body up and down every place, are in a crazy shaking, as if in an instant, there are thousands of needles swept.

"It not only blocks the perception, but also overdraw the vitality, burning the source crazily, bringing a short-term ultimate sublimation! What is that golden liquid? It's so overbearing! "

At the same time, ye Tian looks at Louis, who is convulsing wildly in front of him. He can't help but draw his eyes.

At this moment, Louis's original golden hair is turning white with the speed of naked eye, and is still changing into pure white; even on his cheek, the originally flat skin, there are wrinkles, along the corner of his eyes, suddenly spread to the cheek, and finally, on the cheek, outlined a deep gully My eyes, also from the strange red, return to normal, immediately, lose luster, become turbid and dim

It was as if the speed of time had speeded up a thousand times on him, which made him transit from the prime to the old in a short time.

This amazing picture, even if ye Tian, who has been practicing Taoism in Fangcun Lingyu for two hundred years, thinks that he has seen many strong winds and waves, can't help but feel a sense of horror!

"This What's going on... "

"Louis, he What happened to him... "

"How did he become an old man? Is it the devil who stole life and time from him? "

At this moment, all of the killers are dull, staring at their bodies, describing the amazing transformation of Louis. Even the terrible transformation almost makes him forget the terrible pain of his body , the fastest update of the webnovel!