Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 1002

After transmission, ye Tian stands in shape and looks around.

It was a vast plain, roughly similar to the Terran territory, but the color was dim. The ground was black, the plants were black, and the stones were black.

Obviously it's not a feature of Terran territory.

In the far distance, almost at the end of the horizon, you can see a very magnificent city. Even if it is so far away, ye Tian can still feel the grandeur of that city. Where he can see, he can't see the edge at a glance.

There are many tall stone houses in the city, even much bigger than the stone houses in the previous city.

Ye Tian glanced at random, then leaned against a big black tree and observed quietly.

There were no creatures nearby, but from the characteristics of the city and the stone house, he could guess that it was still the boundary of the demon clan.

But ye Tiangen didn't know exactly where the demons were.

Time goes by bit.

Ye Tian always tensed his nerves and carefully sensed the surrounding sky. Occasionally, he could see tall demons flying through the sky, but he didn't wait for the White Ape demon king to move over.

Until now, ye Tian gradually believes that maybe Taisui's method is really effective. Otherwise, in the realm of the White Ape demon king, the demons should not be able to do anything about him. As long as he gets away, he will feel the position of the little prince.

As long as you can sense the location of the little prince, as long as you are too old to have blood with the little prince, you will be found.

Then it was the White Ape demon king who was sent over and was chased again.

However, none of this happened, which is enough to illustrate some problems.

Continue to observe a few hours, everything is calm, there is no news of the White Ape demon king.

Up to now, ye Tian has been convinced that he is out of the pursuit of the White Ape demon king, he is safe for the time being, and then the next step is how to return to the Terran territory.

Ye Tian took a long breath, and his mind was determined. What should we do next? We have to make a good plan.

After a little meditation, he took out two black stones from the storage ring and put them in his arms.

This is the time Murong Yan entered the valley of life and death. He captured it from the demons in Yuanying realm. He didn't know whether the demons were sensitive to the human breath. With these two kinds of pure demonic stones on his body, he might be able to play a protective role!

To return to the Terran area, the first thing is to determine your current position.

It's not realistic to find someone to inquire about.

Up to now, ye Tian feels a burst of laughter and tears, originally he is a Terran friar, to the orc to catch the little prince of the White Ape, but inexplicably came to the demon.

It's just like a story. It's just a coincidence!

After relieving the trouble of the White Ape demon king, ye Tian's time was much more relaxed. He waited patiently for more than an hour under the big tree. Finally, after several powerful demons passed by, he found a demon with only the breath of the sea watching Terran friars.

That demon man is three or four miles away from ye Tian, and he goes towards the similar direction of the city. I don't know what's the matter.

Persimmon to pick a soft pinch, a strong demon more trouble, the weak demon is a good target.

Ye Tian will not miss such a good opportunity.

He followed the devil stealthily and walked out of a hundred miles. In a hidden mountain, ye Tian finally started.

At this time, no other demons were found on all sides, and this place was hidden enough.

When ye Tian uses the thunder method, a powerful magic power suddenly comes. Almost in a moment, he controls the demon, and then uses the tudun method to search the soul underground.

For a long time, ye Tiancai killed the devil with one palm, and got out of the ground for the first time, far away from here.

From the soul search, we know that this city is called MOJIN city. It is a big city close to the Terran area. It is only ten thousand li away from the Terran territory.

This is good news that makes Ye Tian very happy.

This demon is a demon outside the treasure house of magic gold city. This time, he left the treasure house temporarily for private affairs. He is expected to come back in three or four days.

There are many powerful demons in the magic city, which are used as the reserve team for attacking the Terran. What interests Ye Tian is the treasure house where the demons are.

There are a large number of demon resources gathered from all over the world. Because the public property belongs to the demon family, it is not stored in the storage magic weapon of a certain demon family, but in this well guarded treasure house with forbidden fields.

The resources collected in the treasure house are also used to attack the Terran. From the pictures obtained by soul searching, ye Tian, who has seen a big scene, can't help sighing about the quantity of those treasures.

Once upon a time, the demons in yuanyingjing killed by Ye Tian in the valley of life and death all had some black jade on their bodies, but the number was only a few hundred.

But in the treasure house, it is boundless, almost do not know how many quantity.Yuanyingjing demon clan is just the name of Ye Tian. We can know from soul searching that the demon clan in this realm actually belongs to the realm of demon emperor.

Similar to the realm of the underworld, the realm of the demons is in the order of magic soldier, Magic general, devil king, devil emperor, devil God, devil Zun and devil emperor.

It corresponds to the cave, sea view, Longmen, Jindan, Yuanying, Huashen, Yupu and Tiangong of the human friars.

Although the strength is not absolutely the same, but also roughly the same, after all, among the human friars, even the same level of friars, the strength is also very different.

From soul searching, we know that this kind of black jade is called magic stone in the demons, which is very important to the cultivation of the demons.

As a demon family in the realm of the demon emperor, they only need hundreds of magic stones, but the magic stones in the treasure house are astronomical. The number of their wealth can be seen by comparison.

This is not to mention, in the treasure house, there are still a large number of Xianyu, the specific number, the devil is not very clear.

Generally speaking, the Terran friars use Xianyu for cultivation, and the demons use magic stone for cultivation, but this is not absolute. There are also Terran monks who need to use magic stones to practice magic skills.

Some magic powers in the demon clan also need to use Xianyu, but the demand is not very large.

In the great wilderness spiritual realm, the cultivation resources needed by the demons, the underworld, the orcs and the Terrans are all over the great wilderness spiritual realm. It is not that the cultivation resources of the Terrans are only available in the Terran territory, but the cultivation resources of the demons are only available in the demon territory.

For example, the number of spiritual talents needed by the Terran friars will be more in the wild land occupied by the orcs. However, because they are occupied by the orcs, the Terran friars may encounter great danger in searching for spiritual talents, which leads to the lack of spiritual talents in the Terran region.

The celestial jade needed by the Terran cultivation has huge mineral resources in the demons, orcs and even the underworld. The magic stones needed by the demons also have massive storage in the Terran area.

It's just that they are occupied by different races, and they are not compatible with each other. For thousands of years, they have become dead enemies and can't circulate.

Therefore, the consumption of magic jade is not much, but its stock is not much, part of which is in the treasure house of magic city.

Moreover, from the memory of the captured demons, we know that the demons are not so sensitive to the breath of the human race, but some strange magic skills are more powerful.

In a forest far away from the depression, ye Tian slowly digested the news.

At a certain moment, he seemed determined to fly to the magic gold city.

More than half an hour later, ye Tian has come to the gate of the magic gold city.

From a distance, the city is magnificent enough, but from a close look, you can really understand what a giant is.

The wall alone is tens of feet high, which is impossible to exist in the Terran city.

Facing the city gate, looking left and right, you can't see the edge at the same time. Before, I only heard that the Terran is the weakest, but ye Tian didn't have a specific concept.

But just through this magic gold city, ye Tian has a deep understanding. There are hundreds of cities of this scale, and there are thousands of other cities of different scales.

The total number of Terran cities is no more than 600, but judging from the scale of Castle Peak City, it is not as good as this magic gold city.

There are more than a dozen demon generals and demon lords guarding the city gate, and there are some lower level demon soldiers. However, they did not make an inventory of the demons. After all, the characteristics of the demons are too obvious. They can know whether they are of the same clan at a glance.

Ye Tian stayed for a long time with those demons and generals. The other side didn't find his existence. Ye Tian was a little relieved.

Then, leisurely stealth through the city gate, fly to the city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!