After Winning The Esports Championship, I'm going To Pilot A Mecha

CH 19

19. The transfer student... seems quite weak.

The news of Ji Mingzhu being transferred from the regular class to the Mecha Combat Class spread throughout the entire Zongbingyi Academy in just half an hour.

"Have you heard?"

"You mean the transfer thing? Of course, it\'s already all over!"

"Wow, is it true? Did he really get transferred?"

"My friend is in the same class as Ji Mingzhu. I heard it firsthand. How could it be fake?"

The transfer was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. Those who could enter Zongbingyi Academy were not fools; they knew what it meant.

The Mecha Combat Class was the elite specialization of Zongbingyi Academy. As reserve mecha pilots, the students in the Mecha Combat Class went through rigorous screening. The quotas were already fixed, and under normal circumstances, it was impossible to make an exception and transfer a student from another class.

One must understand that Zongbingyi Academy was hailed as the cradle of talent for the Calamity Control Bureau, and the relationship between the two was extremely close. The current director of Zongbingyi Academy was even the deputy director of the Calamity Control Bureau. With such a powerful background, it was not something that any wealthy or privileged family could easily manipulate.

There were only two possibilities for a person to be granted an exception to transfer from a regular class to the Mecha Combat Class. One was that the person had an overwhelmingly influential background that could make the Sky City compromise and issue a direct order. Only in such a case would the strict rules of the Calamity Control Bureau be broken. The other possibility was that the person had exceptional talent that caught the attention of the Calamity Control Bureau, leading to a special transfer.

Whether it was the former or the latter, both were groundbreaking news. It should be noted that Zongbingyi Academy had not made such a decision in nearly twenty years. The last time someone was able to make Zongbingyi Academy take such action, that person had become the current Red Guards Commander of the Calamity Control Bureau.

Upon hearing this news, both the students and the teachers of Zongbingyi Academy could not contain their excitement. Could they also become witnesses of history?

At the same time, inside the Mecha Combat Class.

"They\'re here, they\'re here!"

A male student who was keeping an eye at the door spotted the two figures walking from a distance and quickly turned around, shouting.

The class, engrossed in enthusiastic discussions, instantly fell silent.

"Is the news really true?"

"They brought him here, so it must be true."

"Damn, after more than a decade, another person who made the academy make an exception... I want to see if this guy has three heads and six arms."

"Could he be another future Red Guards Commander?"

"Shh, lower your voice. Can\'t you see that Chang Haoyang\'s expression is off?"

The whispers gradually died down, and almost half of the class turned their gaze to a quiet, expressionless young man sitting in the corner.

With his red hair and handsome facial features, there was a red tattoo on his neck—a symbol of the Chang family.

Chang Haoyang, a new student who garnered much attention as soon as he entered the academy. He ranked second in the written exam, first in the simulated battles, and first in overall scores, securing a spot in the Mecha Combat Class. He was also well-known in the world of "Warfall," currently ranked 28th globally.

In addition to his exceptional personal abilities, Chang Haoyang had another special identity. He was the younger brother of Chang Bei, a recently retired official Titan pilot in the capital city.

With the aura of his elder brother and his own outstanding achievements, Chang Haoyang had already garnered high expectations and attention even before entering Zongbingyi Academy. Many speculated that he could become the successor to his brother, Chang Bei, and become the next "Zhu Jiuyin" Titan pilot.

However, at this moment, it seemed that Chang Haoyang\'s position was being challenged.

Anyone could see that Chang Haoyang was in a bad mood. Despite his lowered head and seemingly indifferent demeanor, his gloomy expression and low energy betrayed much about his state of mind.

A few seconds later, the sensing doors of the Mecha Combat Class opened from both sides, and the Deputy Dean of Zongbingyi Academy and Director of the Mecha Division, Zhuge Huadu, stepped in.

Zhuge Huadu\'s hair had turned gray, but he appeared spirited, with a straight posture and a strong military stride. With gentle smile lines on his face, he walked to the front of the classroom.

"Quiet down, everyone."

Zhuge Huadu\'s voice wasn\'t loud, but the students in the Mecha Combat Class instantly closed their mouths and looked at him with respectful eyes.

Before serving as the Deputy Dean of Zongbingyi Academy, Zhuge Huadu was a prominent figure in the Epidemic Division of the Calamity Control Bureau, and he was highly authoritative in the field of Aberrant research. Although these young people didn\'t live in the era when Zhuge Huadu was most famous, it didn\'t diminish their respect for this titan of the scientific community.

"I believe you have all heard the news," Zhuge Huadu said, nodding in satisfaction, his gaze gentle. "We have a new comrade joining our Mecha Combat Class. In the future, he will be your colleague in learning, and perhaps also your comrade on the battlefield..."

Zhuge Huadu didn\'t mention the peculiar timing of this transfer from another class to the Mecha Combat Class, but everyone in the room knew it well. From Zhuge Huadu\'s tone, it seemed that he held this new student in high regard, arousing curiosity among the students.

"Come in," Zhuge Huadu said briefly, calling out towards the door. Amidst the curious, puzzled, and inquisitive gazes, a young boy stepped into the classroom.

It was a young face, unfamiliar yet gentle and non-threatening. His features were delicate, easily evoking a favorable impression. His face showed visible nervousness and shyness, seemingly overwhelmed by the many eyes fixed on him.

"H-Hi, everyone," the boy\'s voice trembled slightly. It seemed to take great effort for him to compose himself, and then he spoke softly, "I\'m Ji... Ji Mingzhu."

He appeared to be an unassuming and harmless young boy, someone who could easily pass as the neighbor\'s little brother.

Almost instantly, everyone formed a first impression in their minds, followed by a strong sense of confusion.

Is this it?

He doesn\'t seem to have anything special about him. They thought that even if the newcomer wasn\'t the three-headed-six-armed type, he should at least resemble someone like Chang Haoyang, exuding a strong fighting spirit and an aura that says "not to be messed with." With his timid and weak appearance, if he were to become a pilot in the future and face fierce and terrifying anomalies, wouldn\'t he be scared stiff right away?

"Don\'t be nervous, Ji Mingzhu," Deputy Dean Zhuge Huadu\'s expression remained gentle and kind. "From now on, you\'ll learn with your fellow classmates. Let me see... why don\'t you sit over there?"

Everyone followed Zhuge Huadu\'s direction and looked towards the designated seat.

It happened to be the empty seat in front of Chang Haoyang.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting."

"Okay, thank you."

Ji Mingzhu politely bowed to Zhuge Huadu and then slowly made his way to the empty seat, taking his time to sit down.

"Hey, You Jia... You Jia!"

Not far from Ji Mingzhu, a girl poked the boy next to her.


You Jia was still focused on the terminal in his hands and responded without looking up.

"Why do you seem completely uninterested... What do you think of this transfer student?"

You Jia didn\'t raise his head and replayed a video he had already watched countless times. "What do I think... It doesn\'t concern me."

The girl leaned in closer. "You\'re still watching those Tian Nan videos... Why are you acting like a brainless fan?"

"It\'s Nan Shen, call him Nan Shen!"

You Jia grumbled dissatisfied, "Nan Shen hasn\'t been online for almost a day. I hope nothing happened. Usually, at this time, he would already be climbing the rankings."

"Is he really that amazing... His rank is still lower than Chang Haoyang\'s."

"You don\'t understand anything."

You Jia rolled his eyes at the girl. "Nan Shen has only been playing for a few days. If he were to push his ranking every day, within a week, he would secure first place without a doubt. What\'s Chang Haoyang\'s win rate? What\'s Nan Shen\'s win rate? 100%, huh? That Chang Haoyang, together with the transfer student, can\'t even match one hand of Nan Shen\'s."

The girl twitched her lips and looked at You Jia’s fanatical expression, thinking that this guy had completely turned into an obsessed fan and there was no hope for him.

Zhuge Huadu successfully brought Ji Mingzhu into the class. As the Deputy Dean, he had many responsibilities during the start of the semester. He spoke a few more words and then left.

Everyone followed Zhuge Huadu\'s direction and looked towards the designated seat.

It happened to be the empty seat in front of Chang Haoyang.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting."

"Okay, thank you."

Ji Mingzhu politely bowed to Zhuge Huadu and then slowly made his way to the empty seat, taking his time to sit down.

"Hey, You Jia... You Jia!"

Not far from Ji Mingzhu, a girl poked the boy next to her.


You Jia was still focused on the terminal in his hands and responded without looking up.

"Why do you seem completely uninterested... What do you think of this transfer student?"

You Jia didn\'t raise his head and replayed a video he had already watched countless times. "What do I think... It doesn\'t concern me."

The girl leaned in closer. "You\'re still watching those Tian Nan videos... Why are you acting like a brainless fan?"

"It\'s Nan Shen, call him Nan Shen!"

You Jia grumbled dissatisfied, "Nan Shen hasn\'t been online for almost a day. I hope nothing happened. Usually, at this time, he would already be climbing the rankings."

"Is he really that amazing... His rank is still lower than Chang Haoyang\'s."

"You don\'t understand anything."

You Jia rolled his eyes at the girl. "Nan Shen has only been playing for a few days. If he were to push his ranking every day, within a week, he would secure first place without a doubt. What\'s Chang Haoyang\'s win rate? What\'s Nan Shen\'s win rate? 100%, huh? That Chang Haoyang, together with the transfer student, can\'t even match one hand of Nan Shen\'s."

The girl twitched her lips and looked at You Jia’s fanatical expression, thinking that this guy had completely turned into an obsessed fan and there was no hope for him.

Zhuge Huadu successfully brought Ji Mingzhu into the class. As the Deputy Dean, he had many responsibilities during the start of the semester. He spoke a few more words and then left.

As Zhuge Huadu\'s figure left the classroom, it immediately became noisy again.

"So, this is the transfer student? Looks quite weak."

"I did some research, and it seems like he\'s just an ordinary civilian from an orphanage. No background whatsoever."

"Is that true? No background at all? Then how did he manage to transfer to this class?"

"Maybe he has some talent in mecha-related fields..."

"Tsk, look at him. Does he look like a genius on the same level as the Red Guard Commander?"

"He\'s good-looking, though. But I don\'t think he\'ll last long."

Ji Mingzhu sat quietly in his seat, seemingly oblivious to the unabashed discussions happening around him. Among them were doubts and condescending disdain.

If he had been in the mecha combat class from the beginning of the school year, there wouldn\'t have been so much questioning. However, he was the second student in decades to be transferred against the rules, and the implications behind this were hard to ignore.


A light sound reached Ji Mingzhu\'s ears, and he turned his head to see a book inexplicably falling to the ground.

"Sorry about that."

A male voice came from behind him, and Ji Mingzhu turned around to see a conspicuous head of red hair.

Chang Haoyang looked at him with a slight smirk. "I dropped my book. Could you help me pick it up?"

Ji Mingzhu smiled friendly at him. "Of course."

He bent down, picked up the book from the floor, patted the cover, and placed it on the desk of the boy behind him. "Origins and Classification of Aberrants... Are you reading this book too?"

Ji Mingzhu\'s bright and friendly eyes carried a hint of shyness, along with the anticipation of wanting to get along well with his classmates.

Chang Haoyang looked at him, his smirk becoming more mocking.

"You\'re reading it too?"

Chang Haoyang said casually, "An orphan who came from a welfare home... Do you understand it?"

The smile on Ji Mingzhu\'s face froze for a moment.

Chang Haoyang\'s provocation was evident in his tone, openly pointing out Ji Mingzhu\'s background, with a disdainful undertone that everyone around could hear clearly.

The noise in the classroom quieted for a moment.

"...Sorry, I need to read as well."

Ji Mingzhu pursed his lips, gently placing the book on the desk, then turned around without saying another word.

His expression seemed fragile, as if he had been scared by the unfriendly classmates. He fell silent, lowered his head, and tightly pursed his lips as he focused on his book, evoking a sense of sympathy from some female classmates.


It seemed that Chang Haoyang had no intention of letting him off so easily. He raised his hand and deliberately knocked the book off the desk again.

"Sorry, I dropped it again."

Chang Haoyang tilted his chin slightly, his tone as if he were speaking to his servant. "Could you please pick it up for me once more?"

The targeted intent couldn\'t be more obvious.

Ji Mingzhu\'s hand holding the book trembled slightly.

He turned around, his lips moving as if he wanted to argue with Chang Haoyang.

Regardless of physique or presence, Ji Mingzhu appeared like a defenseless little rabbit in front of Chang Haoyang. With Chang Haoyang\'s background and abilities, it would be as simple as crushing an ant to target an orphan with no background.

Ji Mingzhu and Chang Haoyang locked gazes, the surrounding crowd eagerly watching the spectacle.

After a long moment, the young boy, who had gathered all his courage and built up his confidence, finally succumbed in front of Chang Haoyang. He murmured under his breath but failed to voice any words of resistance.

He bent down once again, crouching to pick up the book that had fallen.

Chang Haoyang looked down at the back of the boy\'s head, his mocking smile growing wider.

Ji Mingzhu remained crouched, head lowered, and no one saw his expression.

Naturally, no one saw the mocking look on his face when he lowered his head.

He casually remarked to Axiu, "This guy... he’s even more easily provoked than I imagined ah."