After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1929

But Meng Xue\'s face did not change at all. She looked at the distance and gently hooked her lips.

"Oh, you mean your love story?

Now, when we get divorced, you can be with him openly. "

Meng Shuang paused and pursed her lips:

"Sister, you know I didn\'t mean that. I came to persuade you not to divorce."

Meng Xue smiled and took a sip of rose tea:

"First of all, you should know that I don\'t listen to advice.

Second, you are my sister, but when you got married, you kept your relationship a secret. Do you think you can be justified if you break up with him?

You were his lover, you had a deal, you didn\'t sleep with him? "

Meng Xue\'s words had a little impatience and disgust, which seemed to be unbearable.

Everything around her is her favorite decoration, but now, she just feels cold.

"Or do you think this kind of thing is very common in your circle, so I don\'t have to mind?

Meng Shuang, are you disgusted? "

Meng Xue\'s words shocked Meng Shuang. Her face faded and her lips were pale.

Meng Xue has never said such a harsh word. To be exact, she has never been willing to say it to Meng Shuang!

"I know that Li Suizhou is romantic. I can accept that he doesn\'t love me, but I can\'t stand your past. I can\'t stand that you carry on behind my back.

You said that you haven\'t been in touch since we got married. What is it that my friends have watched you go out and socialize together so many times before?

Are you telling me it\'s a coincidence? Why did you run into all the coincidences in the world?

Meng Shuang, don\'t treat others as fools. Do you think this is acting?

A misunderstanding and trying to make things right? "

Meng Xue has never said so many cruel words.

Every word is like stabbing Meng Shuang in the heart.

She thought it wasn\'t a big deal and thought Meng Xue would forgive her as before.

But until now, she found that there was no such cheap good thing.

Meng Shuang sat there stiffly, her lips white, and she didn\'t know how to explain.

Of course, Meng Xue\'s appearance seems that she won\'t believe it no matter how she explains it.

"Sister, no matter what you think, what has happened cannot be changed, but what I have not done will not be admitted."

Meng Shuang stood up and looked at Meng Xue deeply.

The mood in the eyes is complex and profound.

How wonderful it would be if Meng Xue could forgive her just like before!

But Meng Xue didn\'t look back. She didn\'t even look up at her.

Meng Shuang hesitated and took a deep breath:

"I\'m leaving the Meng family. Anyway, I\'m not welcome here. It\'s better to leave early.

In the future, if you need me, I will come at any time, sister. Anyway, I\'m sorry I hurt you. "

She led the corners of her mouth, looked at Meng Xue with red eyes, and then turned around and left.

Meng Xue sat there indifferently, not even lifting her eyelids.

Mengqijun came in and sighed.

"Your mother wanted to come in and talk to you, but I advised her to take a rest and let you think about it.

Xueer, we are all for your good. We don\'t have to go to the Li family.

But there are not many children of the aristocratic family who don\'t care. Would it be better to change one? "