After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1325

Su Nan hurriedly held her back as she turned to leave.

Smiled helplessly:

"Silent fairy, you have to believe in my economic strength. I am a rich woman. Can\'t I even get into this shop?"

Shen silently frowned at her, looking half convinced.

Su Nan\'s self-esteem was hurt, and she waved her big hand:

"The whole shopping mall is mine. If you don\'t let me in, let it disappear!"

Shen silent was shocked: "...."

The whole shopping mall is Su Nan\'s?

So tough?

Su Nan leads Shen silently to the door. Before reaching the door, the waiter inside has opened the door respectfully and politely.


Shensilent: "Wow, there has always been someone inside..."

She thought it was usually closed.

Su Nan: "...."

The waiters are all wearing uniform, very standard smile and etiquette.

Once inside, I was shocked by the decoration inside.

It is not magnificent, but this feeling is that there is endless luxury in the low-key, and every light is polished into a diamond.

The wedding dress was placed in the air exhibition boxes with different shapes. It was completely transparent. You can see the wedding dress style inside at a glance.

Some wedding dress styles are tens of meters long, and they are standing high in the air. People can see the complete picture at a glance, which is simply shocking.

The most outstanding of these air exhibition boxes is that they have square, round, multilateral and prismatic shapes, which reflect the light with a light and cold meaning. They look very expensive.

Shensilent was dazzled by everything in front of him and was stunned.

I didn\'t expect it to look like this.

It seems that I have come to another dream world.

On the front display screen, there are the exhibition pictures of the models in these high fixed wedding dresses, which can let people see the dynamic appearance of the upper body.

Shen silently and excitedly grasped Su Nan\'s arm:

"My God, this one is too beautiful. I remember this one hasn\'t been exposed in the magazine yet..."

With that, she immediately took out her mobile phone and planned to take pictures as a souvenir.

The attendant nearby came forward with a smile:

"Distinguished guest, you can\'t take photos here..."

Before her voice fell, Yu Guang swept the face of the people in front of her, and immediately changed her voice:

"But you can take photos. We also have the latest display here, or you can try to feel it on your upper body..."

Shensilent also knew that he was a little too excited and would lose his temper.

Although people said that, she quietly put away her mobile phone.

"I don\'t seem to have seen this one..."

The service staff smiled. "This is a high-level customized model that will not be released by the media until a week later, so there is no news on the market at present."

Shen silently exclaimed in his heart.

Money is good. For the first time, she enjoys the special treatment that others have not seen but she has seen.

No wonder others won\'t let you take photos. If this gets out, I\'m afraid a tornado will blow in this circle!

Su Nan looked around and turned back.

Although it looks good, there is nothing particularly good-looking.

"Silently, you can try whatever you like. Choose whatever you like."

Shen swallowed his saliva in silence. "Just choose?"

Su Nan nodded. "If you can\'t choose, try next to each other..."

She looked to the attendant:

"Let\'s just forget the styles that people have bought. The classic and the latest models can be brought out."

Anyway, Shen\'s marriage is also a big event. You can\'t fool around casually.