Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 80: : No regrets!

"What is it?"

Superintendent Cha Ze stared at Xiao Gu Xiao on the pitcher mound in a stunned manner, with a chill in his heart. 【Read the latest chapter】

Fast, too fast!

Even the players of Narita Industries have used the pitching machine to do a simulated strike practice with a ball speed of 150 kilometers.

But when they saw Xiaogu Xiao throwing the ball, they were still at a loss.

The reason why the players of Qingdo High School can easily deal with Ito, who has a ball speed of 145 kilometers, is that their biggest imaginary enemy in Tokyo is a high-speed ball pitcher with a ball speed far exceeding 145 kilometers.

Players at Qingdo High School have practiced this speed many times. This is also the reason why they can swing the bat calmly without escaping when facing Ito pitching.

However, this is not the case for the players of Narita. Although they have also practiced for 150 kilometers of pitching, most of them are practice exercises, which means that they are mainly familiar, and players are not required to set the speed of the ball. the ball, hit it out.

This is fundamentally different from Qing Dao players. Because there are pitchers with a ball speed of over 145 kilometers in Tokyo, all the batters at Qingdo High School have to hit the ball with a speed of 145 kilometers or even 150 kilometers.

This gap in consciousness directly caused two completely different effects. It was the first time that the players of Qingdo High School faced Itten\'s pitch, and they could swing the bat calmly and finish the blow without flinching at all.

On the contrary, the players of Narita Industries could only avoid escaping in the face of Akatsuki Furuya\'s speeding pitch. As for calming down and swinging the bat, it\'s simply impossible.

150 kilometers and 140 kilometers, on the surface, there is only a ten kilometers difference in ball speed.

But these ten kilometers are two completely different realms.

The 150-kilometer ball, even in the major leagues, can be popular with fastballs. That is not a realm that ordinary people can hone by simply relying on hard work.

From the pitcher\'s hand to the catcher\'s glove, the 150-kilometer ball is thrown in just 0.4 seconds. In these 0.4 seconds, the batter must have a clear path to the ball and keep up with the speed and skill of the swing.

Without enough practice and enough mental preparation, how could it be possible to hit?

This is the speedball pitcher, the most terrifying place.

During the usual practice, Xiao Gu\'s performance is full of loopholes, and it seems completely unbelievable.

But once on the mound, the effect is completely different.

His presence is unmatched by ordinary people.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"strike out!!!"

The first batter of Narita Industries was struck out without any suspense.

In the face of Akatsuki, who came out of the sky like this, Narada Industries had nothing to do.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"strike out!!!"

There was also no suspense next, and Narita\'s second hitter was struck out.

At this time, the supervisor of Narita Industries, Chazawa, had already discovered a very big loophole in the pitching of Akatsuki Fukugu.

That is, many of the **** he throws are floating, so high, that they go beyond the strike zone above.

Looking from the side, he can clearly see that these **** are high bad balls. It can even be said that it is a very obvious high bad ball!

Since the players can\'t hit, they can also take advantage of this opportunity and choose to entangle with the valley. As long as Yanggu throws more balls, they will gradually find more loopholes in Xiaogu Xiao.

"Don\'t shoot high bad balls!"

Wait until the third batter is on the strike zone. Superintendent Chazawa immediately gave him an order to let him pass all the high ball paths, whether it was a good shot or a bad shot!

This requirement is not difficult to handle, even if it is a short 0.4 seconds, it is not impossible to distinguish whether the ball is on the high side or on the low side.

It\'s just that from the strike zone, Xiao Gu\'s pitching is far from simple.

When the baseball was first thrown, it gave the batter the impression that the ball was very low and low. If you don\'t swing, you\'re definitely in the strike zone. And after a few meters close to the batter, the ball will suddenly soar!

The high speed of the ball and the harsh sound completely disturbed the batter\'s nerves.

This may sound a bit too advanced, but the actual situation is that the batter stood on the strike zone watching Jiang Guxiao\'s pitch, and was completely stunned! This is also a strong school like Narita Industries. If you change to a normal school, the average hitter is likely to be paralyzed on the ground.

This is Akatsuki Fukugu\'s pitch!

Without Sawamura\'s information, you wouldn\'t have the qualifications to pitch in the strike zone and hit Sawamura.

Similarly, without any psychological construction, you are courting death when you face Xiao Gu Xiao\'s pitching!

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"strike out!!!"

Without any suspense, it was another three-goal strikeout.

Nine goals, three strikeouts!

Although if the batter didn\'t swing, a full five of those nine **** were high bads!

But there is no if in the world, just looking at the performance of the game, Akatsuki Fukutani stood on the pitching mound of Qingdao High School for the first time, and the performance was perfect. Not worse than Sawamura\'s performance after he got on the mound yesterday. Even simply speaking of the sensational effect and visual impact caused. The visual impact and effect brought by Akatsuki Fukugu is far more than that of Sawamura.

monster! Really monster!

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the second half of the fourth inning, Qingdao High School attacked.

At this time, the batter from Qingdao High School has already reincarnated for two rounds!

The first move is the first shot, or Kurochi.

This time Kuramochi stood on the left seat.

The strike zone on the left is closer to the direction of first base!

Three to judge that the warehouse is likely to steal bases! He had a fresh memory of the speed that Kuramochi had shown before. In order to prevent such an unfavorable situation, he also made a special target.

The defense moves forward, and at the same time, the pitch is mainly low-angle balls, such balls, even if Kuramochi wants to bunt it, it is not easy!

And even if the bunt hits the ball, the probability of hitting the ground is very high. For the bunt, the ground is not a difficult ball path!

Sanjo thought very well, especially when he saw Kurachi put a short stick, he was more confident and prepared to take Kurachi.

Where can I think of the cunning Kuramochi, who didn\'t use the bat at all, he retracted the bat and hit the ball again.


Kuramochi cheated and hit the base successfully!

No one There is someone at first base.

Today\'s warehouse holdings are like opening and hanging, and they are omnipotent.

Three bats, two hits!

Compared with his previous performance, this was a complete mess.

"Hip-hop, haha"

Kuramochi himself is also very happy, very satisfied with his own performance now.

The small knot that had been bothering him was also untied by himself.

He was extremely grateful that Naruto Industries had given up on him.

If Naruto Industry hadn\'t given up on him, how could he have come to Qingdao? How could there be such a huge improvement?

"Second bat, second baseman, Ryosuke Kominato!"