Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 79: :monster!

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In the second round of the Kanto Conference, Qingdao played in the game of Narita Industry. The three games ended, and the score between the two sides was 7:0.

Qingdao High School firmly grasped the initiative on the field.

In the first half of the fourth game, Narita attacked.

At the beginning of the game, Qingdo High School replaced ace pitcher Danbo and catcher Chris, who had performed very well so far.

"The catcher Miyuki, the pitcher Jiang Gu Xiao is on the field!"

At the same time, the shooting partner who performed very well was replaced.

The most irritating thing is that the pitcher replaced is still a freshman.

First grade again?

Supervisor Cha Ze looked at Jiang Gu Xiao, his brows subconsciously wrinkled.

Superintendent Kataoka really did it, and now he has completely regarded them as the training objects of the new students!

"Then we don\'t have to be polite!"

Chazawa shook his neck, his eyes sharpened.

"Hit me hard!"

Not every freshman is Sawamura!

Even Superintendent Chazawa had to admit Sawamura\'s strength. Whether it is the talent and strength that Sawamura showed in middle school, the grades he achieved, or the strength he showed after entering high school.

It goes without saying that Sawamura is a very tricky pitcher! Sawamura had a very strong presence even in a high school that was rampant.

If the pitcher was Sawamura, even if he didn\'t give up the game, Director Chazawa knew that their chances of winning would be very slim.

But how many guys like Sawamura can there be? Even if you are in the country for ten or even twenty years, it would be good to meet one or two.

No matter how good Qingdao High School is, it is impossible to recruit two such freshman pitchers at the same time.

Although the gap of seven points is not small, it does not mean that it cannot be recovered.

If Qingdao High School seeks death on its own, then Director Chazawa doesn\'t mind and will fulfill them.

Miyuki, who just played, felt the resurgence and eagerness of Narita Industries, and sneered in his heart.

"Totally underestimated!"

Do you think there is no one on the pitcher mound of Qingdo High School except for Tamba-senpai and that guy Sawamura?

On the pitcher\'s mound, Isashiki Jun patted Gu Xiao on the back.

"Kid Gu, please cherish this opportunity! With Danbo and that stinky boy Sawamura around, you won\'t have many chances, so cherish every time. If you lose within two points, then there is no problem. Guys who can replace you if you drop more than two points are always ready."

Akatsuki Fukutani glanced at Sawamura beside him, and Kawakami who was preparing in the rest area, and nodded.


"I\'m not going to let the opponent hit my ball."

Seeing Xiao Gu Xiao with such high wit, Yu Xing subconsciously frowned.

"Don\'t be too motivated. You know that once you push too hard, you won\'t be able to shoot the ball with good speed."

Jiang Guxiao was stunned, he almost forgot about this.

Most of the surrounding seniors gave a few words of encouragement.

After all, this was the first time that Akatsuki Fukutani had officially stepped onto the pitching mound of Qingdo High School. Whether you are concerned or worried, you can\'t help but say a few more words.

In the end, only Sawamura was left, and there was no word yet.

Everyone knows that Sawamura must be in a complicated mood now. I don\'t expect him to say any blessings to Xiao Gu Xiao at this time.

In fact, from his own standpoint, it is difficult for Sawamura to give sincere blessings to Akatsuki Fukugu.

For the sake of his friends, Sawamura can stick a knife in both sides, and for Xiaogu Xiao, Sawamura can provide all the help he can.

But he was absolutely unwilling to give up the pitcher mound to Jiang Gu Xiao. Not even if they are good friends.

From the standpoint of a friend, Sawamura certainly hopes that Akatsuki Kogutani can perform well. But from the standpoint of a competitor, it is difficult for him to say any words of blessing to Xiaogu Xiao.

"Anyway, come on."

After a long silence, Sawamura finally gave Xiaogu Xiao five words.

"If you don\'t behave well, I can always do it for you!"

Akatsuki Fukugu looked at Sawamura seriously and said.

"I won\'t give you a chance!"

"That\'s good!"

The game resumed, and facing Narita\'s first shot, Akatsuki Fukutani threw his first pitch on behalf of Qingdao High School.

Yugu Xiao\'s stride and center of gravity movement are just like standard movements, very natural and smooth.

no big deal!

Seeing Xiao Gu Xiao like this, the batter of Narita Industries subconsciously relaxed his vigilance.

It\'s just the most common pitching posture, and I can\'t think of anything wrong.

This thought had just occurred, and before he could let it go, what happened next made him really stunned.

Xiao Gu Xiao\'s ball was thrown!


As if the sky was torn apart, a small white ball flew from the pitcher mound.

This white ball has its own sound effects. It exuded a low, harsh sound, as if it was about to pierce the eardrums.

From the batter\'s point of view, it felt like it wasn\'t a baseball at all, but an unknown little monster.

The monster kept attacking, and it felt like it was going to devour the hitter.

Stop, stop!

Almost instinctively, with the bat in the batter\'s hand, he struggled to get out. At this time, the batter felt that if he didn\'t swing the bat, he would definitely be swallowed up by Xiao Gu Xiao\'s pitching momentum!


The bat obviously missed, and the small white ball went straight into Miyuki\'s open glove.

"nice shot!"

One ball, just one ball!

Thousands of fans fell into an eerie silence.

They looked at the small white ball in Miyuki\'s hands in disbelief, and then turned their dumbfounded faces to the pitching mound.

They looked at the tall, thin man on the mound with questioning eyes.

What was that just now?

How fast is that ball? It feels like an unexplored creature, full of mystery and danger.

"What is that?"

"So so fast, really fast!!!"

"Is that pitcher also a freshman? What\'s his name? Why have I never heard of such a powerful guy among the freshmen of Qingdao High School."

"How fast was the ball just now? It feels like it\'s approaching 150?"

"Let\'s just say, Qingdo High School is so lucky this year! Not only did they get Eijun Sawamura, but they also got such a fastball pitcher!"

"It\'s simply invincible!"

"When Sawamura joined before, I had this feeling, the golden age of Qingdao High School is here!!!"

"Qingdao High School, which was originally a weak pitcher, suddenly joined these two new forces, which is like a rebirth."

Xiao Gu Xiao only threw a ball!

He successfully captured the hearts of thousands of fans on the scene.

This is the charm of monsters!