Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 134: : Qingdo's attack

"This is really big news!"

Fujio muttered.

In fact, he should have thought long ago that a guy like Sawamura Eijun would break the record sooner or later.

When he played in middle school, he was exclaimed as a record breaker.

Hit percentage record, home run record, strikeout record in a game, rundown record, zero runout record, total strikeout record...

Now drag out all the records in the Softball League National Championships, and they were created by the same person.

That\'s Sawamura!

The title of the Great Demon King is not something that anyone can call casually.

In the middle school softball league at that time, Sawamura Eijun definitely reached this height.

The Akagi Junior High School baseball team, without the leadership of Eijun Sawamura, would not have achieved the feat of dominating the country twice.

It is rude to say that the baseball team of Akagi Middle School at that time was brought up by Sawamura Eijun.

Without Eijun Sawamura, the Akagi Junior High School baseball team would never have achieved that feat.

Of course, everything goes together. If there is no Akagi Middle School baseball team, Sawamura Eijun would have a lot of difficulties in trying to obtain the title of this great devil.

If the Akagi Middle School baseball team at that time did not have nothing, but the top giants in the country, no matter how well Sawamura Eijun performed, everyone seemed to be reasonable.

It is precisely because the previous Akagi Middle School baseball team was really bad, terrible and useless.

Sawamura\'s achievements will appear even more brilliant.

Record refresher!

If the current Qingdao High School is still a little-known team, Sawamura Eijun has set a new record, which is definitely worth writing about.

As for now, even the highly vigilant reporters, there are many people who do not realize this.

Of course, there are not no vigilant people.

For example, the beautiful Miss Owada Akiko, and Fujio next to her.

Also, the live commentary of the game.

"Let me tell you the good news. Just now, Eijun Sawamura broke the home run record after the first-year freshman joined Koshien. The original record was two, and Eijun Sawamura successfully broke the record. To three. In the Koshien competition, the first-year freshman can stir up the wind and rain like this, and only Sawamura Eijun is the only one!"

Tens of millions of viewers across the country got the news at the same time through the online media TV broadcast.

Damn, this is a record breaker!

Although they didn\'t feel anything special when they just watched it, after hearing the commentary, the audience still moved subconsciously.

Although the current audience is larger than before, they have already heard the name of this village Eijun, but they do not know much about the deeds of Sawamura Eijun.

They were still shocked to hear that Eijun Sawamura had broken the home run record for a freshman.

Since it is called a record, it must be very remarkable, and Sawamura has set a new record, so he is naturally even more remarkable.

Even if you don\'t know much about baseball, when you see Sawamura\'s performance at this time, you will know it subconsciously.

This guy is extremely talented and strong in baseball!

And viewers who are familiar with Nori Sawamura Eijun will not make a fuss.

For their big devil, it is not easy to refresh two records casually.

Hearing the news announced by the commentary, the eyes of others looking at Sawamura Eijun became even deeper.

Even the friends from Qingdao High School around Sawamura had a faint sense of distance when they looked at Sawamura.

Although they knew that Sawamura Eijun was very strong before, they didn\'t expect this guy to be so strong. I was laughing and laughing on weekdays, but I didn\'t expect it to be so amazing in baseball.

For Koshien, any record is a monument.

And how difficult is it to break such a monument and re-establish another?

No one knows the difficulty and the greatness of it better than the active players in these high schools.

And they watched helplessly, witnessing the birth of a monument.

Even if he had a good relationship with Sawamura Eijun before, there would still be a sense of distance at this time. That feeling is like a young man in the same village, seeing each other ten years later, and suddenly knowing that the other party is already a billionaire.

Even if all the relationships remain the same, the distance in the heart is also different.

This is an objective phenomenon, and there is no need to deliberately obliterate it or discredit him.

The right thing to do is to accept it all and let time tell.

We won\'t go into details about the interpersonal relationship. Let\'s talk about the game. After Sawamura Eijun scored a home run, Qingdo High School ushered in an outbreak.

With one out and no one on base, it was the turn of the fourth.

Now Nanami Haruka is in a twilight time. He has just been entangled by Ryosuke Kominato for 15 goals, and then scored a home run by Sawamura Eijun.

What is the difference between blessings and misfortunes, it is probably the current situation.

It\'s because Nanami Haruka has a strong psychological quality. At this time, he can\'t help but wonder Is there a problem with his own pitching?

no, I can not!

From childhood to adulthood, Nanami Haruka has never made a major mistake in his pitching. It is impossible for him to make repeated mistakes at this time, especially when he is not aware of it.

Since it wasn\'t his fault, what was the problem?

The answer is very simple, the batters at Qingdao High School are simply superior.

This reality clearly told Nanami Haruka that there was still a very obvious gap between him and Sawamura.

"Get the next out first!"

When Nanami Haruka came back to his senses, he heard the teammates and supervisors standing there shouting in the rest area.

Just now, his mind was disturbed by Sawamura Eijun\'s home run.

But now it has finally recovered.

The supervisor is right, this is not the time to be immersed in previous pitches.

Now his most important task is to get the number of eliminations steadily. No matter who the opponent is, he must get the number of eliminations first.

With a decision in mind, Nanami Haruka, who was throwing the ball, started throwing the ball even more vigorously.

Even if the opponent is the fourth-handed formation, he is not soft-hearted.

on the strike zone.

The formation leader was very keen to discover the strangeness of Nanami Haruka.

However, he ignored it and waited until the ball entered his hand before swinging the bat decisively.


In an instant, like a landslide, the air in the entire strike area was evacuated by the formed swing.


After the small white ball was hit, it flew into the gap of the outfield guard like a flashing meteor.


The baseball hits the ground, forms a bat and runs forward.

After Sawamura hit a home run, the captain also scored a clean hit.

Qingdao High School\'s attack has begun
