Abyss Knight

Chapter 696

Without the consumption of dignitaries and ordinary professionals, a large number of magic materials have been operated most effectively. At the suggestion of some scholars, some magic materials were used to build magic plantations. Of course, for security reasons, the magic plantation is located close to the devil\'s nest.

At least hundreds of thousands of large and small demons gathered in the devil\'s nest. Only a few of these demons were transferred from the ice and snow city. Other demons were born by themselves after absorbing enough evil breath from this nest. Especially with the fall of the blue crystal Empire, more than 200000 little demons came out at a time.

The devil\'s nest is not only the birth of small demons, but also the birth of a large number of magic materials like those magic plantations. Although those magic materials are very single, they are extremely useful for high-level professionals like kukas.

As the days passed, the ice city still had to transport a large number of professionals to die outside every day. Kukas stayed quietly in the ice and snow castle, silently waiting for the passage of time, waiting for his body to appear after cleaning up the hidden wounds in his body.

In this short time, something happened that made all high-level professionals feel afraid.

That was when the prophetess who could project finriel\'s fangs and stings died. Died in one of her prophecies. Of course, she was not killed by hostile prophets, but accidentally saw the body of finriel\'s fangs when she prophesied. Under the traction of noumenon, the projection imprint contained in her body fiercely formed the essence, and then instantly tore her soul without her reaction.

For the death of the female prophet, all the high-level professionals in the ice and snow city are more afraid of which finriel\'s fangs and hand stabs. Especially the casters who saw the female prophet use the thorn projection at that time were even more worried.

When kukas knew about it, he just shook his head and didn\'t take it to heart. In this short time, he devoted all his energy to the cultivation of the three empires and his own secret Dharma.

In a flash, more than ten years later, although his secret method did not make much progress, he waited for the good news of his own body recovery.

After sensing the recovery of the body, kukas\'s first thing is to return to the burning plane.

Back to the burning plane, his armor body dissolved by itself, and then turned into a streamer, which directly appeared in the noumenon that had just come out of the plane origin.

"Interesting!" after moving his body, kukas giggled after feeling the powerful power contained in his body. After seeing his crazy smile, the legends and gods who treated his injuries here just frowned slightly, but no one came forward to disturb him.

After the fusion of fighting armor and noumenon, kukas found that the number of fighting armor had doubled. But even so, he still has no ability to impact the Ninth level. Because compared with the amount of fighting spirit required by level 9, the amount of fighting spirit in his body did not even reach 1%. Of course, more importantly, his fighting spirit has not been tempered for a long time, and he has not understood any rules, so he has no chance to impact the Ninth level.

The body of Douqi armor stayed in the eternal plane for more than ten years, but his noumenon spent two or three hundred years in the burning plane.

In these two or three hundred years, kukas\'s noumenon is not only used for recovery, but part of his soul has been deducing some of the killing methods he has mastered. For a long time, although he had not yet practiced the new secret methods, he had a deeper understanding of the secret methods he had mastered before. At least in his opinion, the power of overlaid seal can be increased by a third, which is a great progress.

After throwing the armor into the burning plane and relying on the passage of time to increase the fighting spirit, kukas\'s Noumenon left this plane and returned to the eternal plane.

Of course, it was dangerous, but he had to do it for his next plan.

Even the legends and gods don\'t know how big the eternal plane is. And according to some books, this eternal plane has existed hundreds of times longer than other planes. In this huge plane, there are too many ancient legends.

It is even said that the finrier wolf was born in this plane and finally fell in this plane.

Of course, no one cares about such a legend. Similarly, kukas did not take such a legend to heart.

The noumenon returned to the eternal plane, without the shelter of armor, he just came out wearing a wide cloak.

When the first power holder and other power holders saw what he looked like, they were stunned, but then they reacted.

"You used to be your fighting armor!" the first person in power asked some uncertain questions at the regular meeting.

"Yes." kukas nodded, his ferocious face twitched a few times and showed an ugly smile: "in fact, I think you should also cultivate your own fighting armor. The effect of this thing is still very powerful."

"At that time, I might as well practice a secret method to cultivate a suit of armor without much defense and combat ability." the first authority turned his eyes and persuaded kukas: "Fighting armor is not very useful unless you are willing to invest a lot of precious magic materials. However, I believe that the precious magic materials you invest are enough for you to exchange a precious plane treasure with others. Of course, if you just want to contain some special abilities in armor, it is worth spending hundreds of years."

Obviously, the first power holders, although they have the ability to gather fighting armor, because of their profession, their fighting armor can not cultivate fighting armor on their own like kukas\'s armor. The fighting armor they cultivate is just a low-quality weapon.

Therefore, considering all aspects, if there is no special idea, ordinary professionals will never condense a complete set of fighting armor.

"I like what I make, and I have some special abilities," kukas nodded, agreeing with the words of the first power holder.

"How did you get your noumenon here? Isn\'t it safer to make your fighting armor here? You know, there will be a decisive battle here, and you and I will be involved. When your noumenon dies, you will regret it." although the first person in power doesn\'t like some of kukas\'s practices, she still cares about everyone of the same kind as a whole.

"There is too little soul power in the fighting armor, so I\'ll get the noumenon here and see if I can understand some rules of this plane." kukas touched his head and laughed.

"Don\'t be paranoid." after hearing kukas\'s words, the first person in power did not hesitate to stop his thoughts: "This eternal plane is not your main plane world. If you want to understand the plane rules, the first place to go should be your main plane world. Otherwise, even if you try hard, you will not be able to understand any rules. In other words, you can understand some rules in other planes only after you become level 10. You can\'t do it now."

"Seriously?" kukas could not help frowning, because it was different from what he thought and the information he got from those ancient Knight inheritance.

"What benefits can I get by cheating you on such things? I think they all know whether I\'m right or not." the first person in power was unhappy when he saw that kukas doubted her, so he instructed other people in power to let those in power testify to her.

After being affirmed by more than a dozen other people in power, kukas was discouraged: "Damn, my thematic world has been occupied by the people of the gate of heaven. I\'m afraid I can\'t go back in a short time."

"Hehe! The third person in power, you should know: in this infinite void, even if the eighth level professionals understand the rules of heaven and earth in the world where they were born, their chances of success are only one in hundreds of thousands. Do you think you will be the only lucky one among the hundreds of thousands?"

"Yes, be realistic. It doesn\'t matter if you try again after you have achieved level 9 or 10."

In these people\'s words, although kukas has recognized these people\'s statements, he still wants to try.

Candles with thick arms were lit in the conference room, and the leaders turned to the war on the front line. They discussed how to send professionals to kill and how to transport materials to support them.

A series of discussions lasted three or five magic hours before they ended.

As soon as the meeting was over, kukas planned to go back to his room and try to understand the rules of heaven and earth.

But as soon as he got up, he was stopped by the first person in power.

"Let\'s go and drink with me." the first person in power motioned kukas to walk with her with a relaxed face.

"What\'s up?"

"A little. Well, it\'s about your black dragon mount." the first person in power said his original intention of inviting kukas with an embarrassed face.

"Then I won\'t go. You know, as a knight, the black dragon is my mount, and I can\'t lose my mount." kukas quickly shook his head and refused: "He is my mount. No one can take him away from me. I can\'t. I\'ll explode his head now and suppress him into a zero order plane forever."

"Just like you, I ask you for your mount. I\'m afraid you don\'t want to give it back to me. Don\'t you? As a knight, our most important thing is our own mount." kukas doesn\'t like to quarrel with the first power, so he uses words to force the other party to give up the idea of releasing the black dragon.