Abyss Knight

Chapter 694

"It can\'t pass. There are no legends or other creatures coming to this plane." the black dragon growled in a low voice, "if they are hostile to us."

"Let you go, why so much nonsense?" kukas took the lead in restoring his feet, so he raised his feet and trampled on the black dragon\'s head. A few feet down, once again the black dragon\'s head was crushed and bleeding, revealing his white bones.

At kukas\' strong request, although the black dragon was unwilling at all, he waved his wings and rushed to the place where the crack appeared.

The black dragon spread its wings and traveled thousands of miles in an instant. It was only a few moments. Kukas and black dragon came to the place where the plane crack occurred.

The place where the plane cracks fluctuate is a small city. Perhaps because of the war in the imperial capital, there is also some confusion in this small city. Some green skins and soldiers kill each other here. Almost every moment, green skins or ordinary people die.

When kukas and his team arrived, the face crack had healed itself, but kukas caught a trace of abnormal breath at the position of the healed crack.

The breath was very faint, and made him feel familiar. At this time, the black dragon suddenly shouted, "it\'s the woman who followed the woman next to the young emperor."

"Find her." after hearing the news, kukas\'s first thought was to find the woman and ask each other everything about the young emperor.

A lot of mind and breath pour out from the body. These breath and mind are mixed together to form a transparent barrier. The barrier centered on him spread around, searching for the woman\'s position.

From the time he found the plane crack to searching for the trace of the woman, it was only breathing time. The mind spread and instantly locked the woman who appeared here through the plane crack.

When kukas stepped on the black dragon and appeared in front of the woman, she was walking in a narrow street with a frightened and confused face, shouting some people\'s names.

When kukas appeared in front of her, the woman screamed and fainted in an instant.

"I\'m terrible?" kukas also condensed his hands at this time. He subconsciously touched his head and muttered in a low voice.

"No matter how you hide it, you exude a sense of evil from inside to outside. Anyone will be uncomfortable when they see you." the black dragon shook his head and his words were full of ridicule: "no one like you."

"No, you\'re wrong. Many people like me." kukas smiled grimly and didn\'t bother to pay attention to the black dragon. He just stretched out his hand to condense a fighting chain and wound it around the fainting woman. Then he grabbed it and told the black dragon, "go back to the ice and snow city."

"Roar!" the black dragon shook his head, stretched out his huge tongue to lick the blood flowing from his head, then tore the space again and returned to the ice city with kukas in an instant.

As soon as the black dragon appeared over the ice city, dozens of patrol dragons came from a distance. When these dragons saw the black dragon and kukas standing on his head, they all roared out.

"Are you not satisfied that I regard your kind as a mount?" looking at those roaring dragons, kukas subconsciously urged him to fight and prepare to catch another black dragon, so as to show his strong strength in this ice and snow city.

However, what he imagined did not happen. The dragons seemed to have received some orders. They just stared at kukas and turned to other places to continue patrolling.

Seeing that his own kind is indifferent to his humiliation, although Heilong has long been prepared, he still feels that the sadness in his heart is so strong at this moment. Looking at the free figure of the same kind, the black dragon made a reluctant roar.

The huge dragon chant sounded in the sky of the ice and snow city, and immediately caused the roar of some giant dragons. However, it was just a roar. No giant dragon came out to show its head to the black dragon.

After circling half a circle over the ice city, the black dragon landed on the square behind the ice castle. Where, kukas once again ordered the animal trainers to teach the black dragon well, so he took the woman he accidentally caught into a special room in the ice castle.

The room kukas entered was very huge under the action of the space Dharma array. Thousands of casters were busy around some crystal balls. At their side, some servants who specially deliver information quickly record the information and then deliver it to those who need it.

"The third person in power, if there\'s anything you can tell us directly, there\'s no need to come here." just after kukas entered the room, a female caster flashed in front of him with a serious face and tried to let him leave the room.

Kukas did not pay attention to the obstruction of the female caster, because he knew that the other party was acting according to the rules. When he broke into here, he had violated some rules in the castle.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m just in a hurry. I want you to help me find someone through her." while talking, kukas kept the woman wrapped in the fighting spirit chain and waved to the caster: "the person to be found has a special prop. His power is extremely powerful and has even killed Legends."

"Bring it!" the female caster was a prophet, and all the casters in this room were also prophets. They are here to prophesy all kinds of things, and even interfere with the prophecy of the gate of heaven and the prophecy of the casters of the ice and snow city. That\'s why ordinary people are forbidden to enter and leave here.

"What?" kukas tilted his head to look at the female prophet in front of him, and then looked at the unconscious woman in his hand: "she?"

"She and you have to remember when you met that person." the female prophet rolled her eyes and motioned kukas to go with her to a crystal ball.

Crystal balls with a height of more than one person can be found everywhere in this room. These crystal balls are excavated by the prophets in various planes. They are very helpful for prophecy, just as ordinary spell casters have spell books and wands.

Kukas was a little stunned, and then followed the prophetess to her crystal ball to condense her memory.

The memory crystal was crushed by the female prophet without hesitation, and then what happened between CASS and the young emperor appeared in front of them.

The picture flow, although the time is very short, it is enough for the female prophet.

When kukas\'s memory was played three or five times, the female prophet suddenly said ancient words, which wrapped around her white, tender and slender hands and formed a halo on her ten fingers.

With a low cry, the female prophet reached out and pierced into the memory image of kukas. She turned her fingers and poked it from the image of the women behind the young emperor.

That pair of slender palms turned and made in the images of several women, but they pulled out a mixed breath.

In kukas\'s perception, there were women\'s own breath and plane breath in the mixed breath, but he couldn\'t recognize more. After all, he is not a prophet proficient in prophecy.

After extracting the things contained in the images of those women, the female prophet reached out to catch the image of the young emperor.

However, as soon as her hands touched the image, she immediately felt a powerful force spreading from the image.

The strange fighting spirit crossed space and time, and even spread directly from the image, and then easily tore the halo on the female prophet\'s hands. The next moment, her hands were forcibly destroyed into nothingness.

On one side, a crystal ball with a height of more than one person screamed, and a golden red light came out of it, directly enveloping the prophet caster. On one side, kukas noticed something bad, so he did not hesitate to hook a large number of plane original forces into the female prophet. At the same time, he also stretched out his hand to grab her arms, trying to stop the strange fighting spirit.

The shrill cry came out of the female prophet\'s mouth. The next moment, she saw two golden red light columns coming out of her eyes. The light column wrapped around her arm like a poisonous snake, and then ancient magic words poured out of her body. These words fell on her arms like leaves.

The rapid and sharp voice remembered from the female prophet, and the powerful magic power was released from her body. These magic powers turned into a vortex the size of a grinding plate, then wrapped kukas\'s memory and began to rotate and polish quickly.

It was just a breathing time. The rotating vortex polished the memory released by kukas into pieces. In the end, only the image of the young emperor and the golden light wrapped around him were left.

The prophetess\'s hair danced and her body slowly floated into the air. And the crystal ball, which was so tall, fell at her feet.

Old magic words came out of her mouth, and then these golden red magic words collided with each other in the air and made a clanking sound.

After several collisions and fusions, these ancient magic words were cast into a small hand stab.

"Death!" a soft drink. The golden light from the eyes of the female prophet was even better. Some golden light wrapped around the hand thorn, and then pierced the image of the young emperor condensed from kukas\'s memory.