Abyss Knight

Chapter 687

The tavern became more and more lively. What people talked about most was about the red and towel mercenary Corps. Some supported the mercenary regiment, while others opposed it. And the views of both sides are so full.

"I\'ve heard that the red scarf mercenary regiment plans to create a riot in the imperial capital in the future. At that time, we can see which side gets the support of the people by looking at the performance of the imperial people. It\'s absolutely good to get the support of the majority." some people shouted and output their views to others.

"Bah! How dare that mercenary regiment make trouble in the imperial capital? I\'m afraid they will be caught by the Imperial Army as soon as they enter the imperial capital. Do you still want to commit violence and action? Even professionals don\'t have any. Do you want to make a difference with their simple weapons? I\'m afraid the imperial capital only needs to send dozens of professionals to kill them all!"

"Damn it, since the dark age came, all professionals have been forcibly captured by the Empire, otherwise"

"What is forced capture? My grandfather was a professional. In those days, they were recruited by the Empire. They said that there was an enemy invasion, and these professionals were recruited to resist the enemy." a businessman shook his head and interrupted the man\'s words: "this is not a dark age, but a golden age, a dream age."

"You people can\'t imagine that more than 100 years ago, the cultivation methods of some professionals were extremely precious. They either got a lot of money to study in colleges or joined a big force. Otherwise, they had no chance to become professionals."

"What about now? Now the Empire has taken out all the precious professional cultivation methods for free, and any college is free to learn. You can get all kinds of precious cultivation methods for free in any bookstore. Is this a bad era?"

"But now no one dares to cultivate the means of those professionals, because as long as they become professionals, they will be captured by the Empire, and life and death are unknown." someone retorted: "The war mentioned by the empire is just a lie to deceive us. I heard that the Empire wants to fundamentally cut off the Cultivation Thoughts of ordinary people through this method. If this continues for a long time, no one among ordinary people will dare to practice. Even if the most precious cultivation methods are put in front of them, no one will do it. No one is willing to separate from their relatives and then The end of life and death is unknown. "

"It\'s war. Why haven\'t we heard about war at the border and in other empires? They\'re deceiving us."

"Damn it, it\'s not cheating at all, because the war is not here at all. They went to a far place to participate in the war. In fact, the war has a lot to do with our empire."

Listening to the discussions of those people, kukas had a new understanding of the method of cultivating professionals in this empire. In his opinion, this method of cultivating professionals is several times more gentle than that in other planes or empires. However, the professionals cultivated in this way are much weaker than those who become professionals after killing.

One is through step-by-step cultivation, the other is through bloody killing. If these two professionals meet for the first time on the battlefield, the winner is definitely the latter. But the training method of the latter is too cruel, and the number of professionals cultivated is obviously less.

"War has nothing to do with us. On the contrary, the Empire began to collect more taxes by taking advantage of the opportunity of war. In the long run, there will be more and more organizations such as the red scarf mercenary regiment."

After staying in the tavern for a day, kukas learned something about the Empire, which made his heart heavy.

The perennial war makes the common people in this empire dissatisfied. They have to pay a lot of labor, but they can only get a very small reward. Most of their labor income has been converted into war materials and provided to young professionals and ice cities. What they exchange is only knowledge that seems useless for the time being.

As night fell, there were more and more people in the tavern. Some people went and some came. Only kukas and his green people sat there quietly and didn\'t leave.

A lot of money was given to the attendants. After they got the money, the attendants in the tavern didn\'t care that he and his green people occupied too many tables.

Another group of guests came to the tavern. After these guests appeared, the chaotic voice in the tavern gradually quieted down.

Kukas didn\'t notice at first, but over time, he noticed the abnormality.

He opened his eyes fiercely, and a red light flashed from his face armor. He looked around the crowd, but while breathing, he locked the target that caused the abnormality of the tavern.

A woman in a white bear fur coat caught his attention. The woman had long silver hair and big watery eyes. Her delicate face and her small body looked very lovable.

"How could it be?" kukas\'s mind trembled when he saw the silver haired woman. A vague picture appeared in his mind. In that picture, he seemed to have had an extremely close relationship with the silver haired woman. But what happened at that time was in his main world.

Attracted by the appearance of the silver haired woman, he began to carefully recall whether the breath of the silver haired girl he met was the same as that of the silver haired woman in front of him.

However, no matter how he recalls it, he can\'t recall the smell of the silver haired girl.

"The same appearance may appear in different planes, but the breath will never repeat, but I can\'t think of the breath of the silver haired girl in those years. Damn it. She doesn\'t have any professional breath. If she was the woman in those years, she can\'t live to the present." he hit his head hard, Kukas got up fiercely and walked towards the silver haired woman.

With the silver haired woman, there are several big men. These big men don\'t have any professional breath, but they carry wooden swords. This wooden Sabre is actually extremely sharp and can cut off some steel armor. This kind of thing is also polished from the unique wood on the Arctic ice sheet.

The sound of metal knocking on the floor made the quiet tavern riot gradually. Some people who didn\'t notice kukas at first put their eyes on him. In their view, the people wearing armor on the Arctic ice sheet are only things that powerful or brain disabled people can do.

Dignitaries have special magic metal, so their armor is not afraid of the cold. In order to show off, the brain disabled don\'t care about the practicability of steel armor.

The silver haired woman and her guards also saw kukas. The guards guarding the woman did not hesitate to draw out their swords and looked at him with a vigilant face.

"I mean no harm. I just want to ask the lady some questions," kukas said in a hoarse voice. "Do you know the barren ice field?"

"Our lady won\'t answer any questions. Get out of here." a guard gently shook his sword. The sword drew a knife curtain in the air, but it showed some of his abilities. In the view of these guards, kukas is some dandies in the imperial capital. In fact, he has evil intentions when looking for his own young lady.

"I\'m sorry, I haven\'t heard of any barren ice fields, let alone been there." the silver haired woman blinked her big watery eyes, looked at kukas suspiciously and said, "do we know each other?"

"I thought we knew each other, but obviously we didn\'t know each other according to your appearance." kukas was a little stunned. He doubted his memory again: "maybe my vague memories were branded by the priest of the Dionysian church with a secret method."

"No, the priest of the Dionysian church was at most a seven level peak. If she branded me with a false memory, it would not have any impact on me now. After all, I have become an eight level, and her secret method has long been polished by her soul."

As his mind turned, kukas looked carefully at the silver haired woman in front of him again. This woman is petite and exquisite, and her body exudes a mature and attractive smell. This breath is very different from the external image of the silver haired girl he kept on the barren ice field.

The silver haired woman tilted her head and looked at kukas with a puzzled face. In her big watery eyes, there was confusion and curiosity.

"Forget it, it\'s just a little woman who was kept in those years. Although she gave me a book about knights, after all, I paid her a lot of money. The two can offset each other."

Some fidgety knocked on their heads. Metal gloves and helmets collided together, making a clear sound. His memory of his youth in the world has been blurred a lot. Now it is very difficult to remember, and he is not sure whether it is correct. As a result, his mood became worse.

"I\'m very similar to the people you used to know?" the silver haired woman motioned to kukas to sit opposite her. But kukas shook his head and refused.

"Well, it\'s very similar. But the person I know looks very pure. She\'s not as mature as you." kukas shook his head and smiled, "excuse me." after saying this, he turned and returned to his seat.