Abyss Knight

Chapter 440

The old woman\'s spell was rhythmic and sounded very mysterious and strange. Although her voice is very low, even in this chaotic battlefield, the voice is still very clearly transmitted to everyone\'s mind. The spells were strange. Although he didn\'t know the meaning of those spells, kukas felt a strong crisis.

"Kill them." he roared again, and at the same time, he opened the mechanism on the pyramid again. For a time, countless spears were catapulted out under the powerful mechanical force, like raindrops through the flame, trying to tear the flame apart and attack the old woman reciting the spell behind.

Hundreds of spears were castrated fiercely, but they were still vaporized by the flame. However, with the death of a large number of green people, the flame three or five feet high suddenly dropped to one or two meters high.

Seeing the figure of the old woman, kukas grabbed a heavy javelin and threw it at the other party. The javelin roared and appeared in front of the old woman almost instantaneously. A red aperture emerged from the old woman. The aperture collided with the javelin and made a violent explosion. At this time, the old woman\'s spell was almost over.

A twisted silver light twisted and rotated between her hands, and the powerful magic power was released from her hands, which made kukas\'s uneasiness stronger.

It is to buckle the pyramid mechanism again. This time, dozens of spears flew out of the pyramid. These spears are the last strength in the pyramid, and kukas specially prepared them. Under the powerful mechanical force, the spear screamed and appeared beside the old woman.

The old woman fiercely opened her eyes, and two golden lights flew out of her eyes. The golden lights flickered and collided in the air to form a thirteen awn star array. Dozens of long guns that could easily penetrate more than a Zhang thick city wall collided with the thirteen awn star Dharma array and disappeared in an instant.

The old woman\'s expression looked a little bad when she resisted kukas\'s attacks in succession. Her already flabby skin seemed more relaxed, her skin slightly burst, and a stream of blood with attractive fragrance sprayed out from under her skin. Using magic power in this zero order plane, even if she has the most powerful plane props, she needs to pay some price. What\'s more, she has been using magic power continuously for a short time, and the punishment of this plane has been gradually blessed to her.

Fortunately, the magic spell was almost over, and the old woman believed that her spell would be released before kukas threw the next javelin. At the thought of this teenager who is likely to completely control a plane being killed by herself, she couldn\'t help getting excited and stifling the stimulation of strong and capable people, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

She watched as kukas stood on the throne, grabbed two javelins and planned to throw them, but she didn\'t worry about anything, because her magic spell had only the last word left. As long as she recites the last magic word, everything will end, the plane will not be controlled by one person, and everything will return to the rules customized by their legends.

But at the moment when her last spell was about to come out, she suddenly felt a golden light rushing around her. A blonde girl in the military uniform of the Latour Empire pierced her heart and throat with her hands. A trace of violent fighting force was madly injected into her body from the white and tender hands. Her heart burst and the meditation space suffered a violent impact.

"Old witch, legend can\'t step into the low level alone. Have you forgotten?" the blonde general was pale and bleeding. Although her situation looked extremely bad, she still raised the corners of her mouth and smiled softly: "the punishment of plane rules tastes good! Ha ha!"

"Bitch!" the old woman cried out. She wanted to mobilize more magic power to attack the blonde general next to her, but the counterattack of magic and the suppression of plane rules made her completely lose the chance to turn over. The silver light in both hands burst, and the violent force not only tore the old woman\'s body, but also the blonde general was blown out for dozens of steps by the violent force.

Kukas was stunned by the sudden accident. Then he jumped down from the throne and rushed to the place where the blonde general fell. At this time, he didn\'t have time to think about why the other party wanted to kill the legend of the old woman, and he didn\'t have time to think about why she suddenly broke out.

After a few ups and downs, kukas came to the blonde general. She was lying on the ground, pale, her clothes were broken, large muscles fell off her, and blood flowed out like a spring.

Pour the medicine made by the natives on the wound of the blonde general. He didn\'t dare to move the other party, but guarded there carefully. The green people waved maces and frantically attacked all outsiders in the broken palace.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve only used my fighting strength once, and the face rule punishment won\'t kill me. Hehe, a legend fell into my hands, huh! What a wonderful result." the blonde female general smiled, and she struggled to point out the place where the old woman died and said quickly: "Quickly, find the legendary head and see if you can find the plane props she carries."

"Well, the green skins have done it." kukas thought, a large number of green skins rushed to the place where the old woman died, gathered up all the broken meat and strange things there, and then brought them to kukas.

When the green men came to kukas with all kinds of things, the wounds on the blonde general had begun to heal. Some of the broken muscles recovered at a rate visible to the naked eye, but her face looked even worse.

Among the messy pieces of meat, one thing attracts people\'s attention most. It was a slightly trembling crystal head. Although the crystal head was mixed in a pile of flesh and blood, it was not stained with any blood, but as clean and pure as the crystal just cleaned.

"The fall of legend." looking at the crystal head, the blonde general laughed. She stretched out her hand to catch the crystal head, but she couldn\'t do it because of her lack of strength. Seeing this, kukas quickly picked it up and put it in her hand, allowing her to touch it.

"Put my body away and let me have a good sleep, but the face prop disappeared." the blonde general just put her hand on the crystal head, her body was completely paralyzed, and then closed her eyes and didn\'t breathe.

"Dead? Alive? Damn it, what\'s the matter? Doesn\'t it mean that there is no way to use the power of professionals in the low-level plane? Why can anyone use the power of professionals? Damn it, kill these people and cut off their heads." kukas roared wildly. His head was confused for a moment, Just want to kill all these outsiders.

Except for a few of those outsiders who felt bad and left when the legendary old woman released her spell at the beginning, all the rest were killed by crazy green skins. Their heads were soaked in special potions by native craftsmen. After melting all the blood and flesh on them, they put those white bones and skeletons in a tower shape in the center of the palace. Of course, all this was done according to kukas\'s will, otherwise the natives would rather throw these white bone skulls into the wild for wild dogs to eat than put them in an imperial palace.

Although the blonde general had no breath and heartbeat, kukas did not think the other party was dead. He asked the natives to collect huge crystals, and then made them into crystal boxes to put the body of the blonde general in and save it. Then he left at least a million green skins here to firmly surround the three floors outside the incomplete palace.

"From now on, I will kill all the creatures who come out of this palace," kukas told the green men. Of course, although their heads were not easy to use, they carried out kukas\'s orders very well. His every command will be firmly remembered in the blood by the green people. Even if they die, their descendants will accept this command. And as time goes by, other people who don\'t hear the command will gradually know the command.

The black robed professionals who followed the blonde general did not show worry after checking the situation of the blonde general. After kukas\'s questioning, he knew that the blonde general fell into such a deep sleep because she forced the secret method to use fighting spirit without the protection of plane props.

"It\'s the punishment of this plane. She will wake up after sleeping for one or two thousand years." a man in black told kukas such an answer: "if the general has the protection of plane props, she will lose her strength for a hundred years at most, instead of sleeping like now."

"Plane props? Hehe! It won\'t be long before I can get a plane props. At that time, can she speed up and wake up?" kukas looked at the blonde general in the crystal coffin and asked in a deep voice. The blonde general in the crystal coffin was dressed in a golden robe. Beside her hand was the crystal head of the legendary old woman, which looked very strange.

"If you control the plane and gather the plane props, you can wake her up in advance." the black robed man hesitated a little and whispered everything he knew.

"Because at that time, you were the rule of this plane. In this plane, everything was controlled by you. If you say punish her, she will be punished. If you say no punishment, she will not be punished."

"Well, I see." kukas waved the man in black to leave, and then he sat on the throne and thought about something silently.

Plane props, this is what the blonde female general strongly asked him to search when he came to the zero order plane world. The face props are more precious than the face treasures. In each face, there are more than three or five and less than one or two. The person who controls these face props can use some of the power of the face from which the face props came. It is extremely powerful when used.

Mercenaries in the plane battlefield enter some planes in various ways. Their most fundamental purpose is to obtain the plane props contained in this plane.

When the green skins controlled one-third of the area of the zero order plane, kukas had a lot of knowledge out of thin air. This knowledge is all about plane props and treasures.

Through that knowledge, kukas found that plane treasures and plane props are actually related to the rise and fall of a plane. If the plane prop or treasure in a plane is taken away from the plane by others, the plane power that loses the prop and treasure will weaken until it condenses a new treasure or prop.

If the treasures or props obtained from other planes are placed in one plane, the plane that obtains the redundant plane props or props will slowly become stronger, so as to accelerate the growth of the power of this plane.

The more powerful a plane is, the higher the upper limit that the creature in the plane can grow, and vice versa.

After controlling one-third of the area of this plane, kukas found that there was no plane prop in his plane, only tens of thousands of plane treasures. These tens of thousands of facet treasures have now been taken away by some facet mercenaries, which has reduced the strength of this facet to the lowest point in history for a time.

The decline of the power of the plane has a subtle impact on the rapid evolution of the green people, and limits the power of the native people. If nothing unexpected happens, when the zero order plane condenses one or more plane props again, it may become powerful in a short time and become a first-order plane. Of course, it will take at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years to say this short time.

"After completely controlling the plane, according to the plane rules, a plane prop will condense. As long as the plane prop will not leave the plane for a long time, it may make the green skins evolve again. And I can use the plane prop to freely enter the high-level plane, and even return to the main plane world and use the power of the plane prop there Kukas kept thinking about some things. After a long time, his mind slowly calmed down.

"Speed up the pace of attack." kukas moved his mind and immediately gave orders to all the green people through the connection. The green people will also feed back his orders to the members of the main plane world who lead the war everywhere, so as to quickly implement kukas\'s decision.

As the days passed, under the attack of the green people regardless of casualties, the expansion speed of the team became faster and faster. But after kukas\'s green skins occupied half of the whole plane, the speed slowed down. All the remaining indigenous empires united, abandoned all their grievances and tried their best to stop the expansion of kukas.

"Ugly devil!" that\'s what the natives call kukas and his green men. A large number of plane mercenaries appeared in those native empires. They not only made all kinds of equipment on the front line to stop kukas, but also helped the native empires train their troops. More plane mercenaries directly appeared in the area controlled by kukas. They provoked those obedient native emperors and even ordinary native residents to revolt again and again against kukas\'s brutal rule. And this also greatly dragged down the strength of the green people under kukas.

Kukas was completely angry when he realized that he had suffered the crazy destruction of the native troops at more than a dozen green skin breeding bases in the rear.

But he had no other way to deal with the rising natives except to order the greens to strengthen their vigilance. After all, he can\'t kill all the dirt. Of course, this is not his softhearted, but killing all his native land will not only consume more military power, but also cut off the food supply. We should know that the green people will not engage in agricultural production at all. They just know how to kill and play and let them grow food. I\'m afraid there is no way to plant seeds into the land.

After touching his bald head and feeling bored for decades, the waitresses beside him gave him new attention.

"My Lord, not all emperors want to resist you, and not all the subordinates of emperors want to oppose you. You know, most people in this world just want to live. Especially the ordinary people who revolt, they won\'t resist as long as they have enough food. They never care who rules them, let alone rule them Who are they? "A maid from an imperial family suggested.

"I see." kukas took a deep breath, nodded to the maid and said with a smile, "tell your father that from now on, the goods paid to me by your empire will be reduced by 1%. Allow your empire to control five empires as subordinate empires."

This order made the ladies excited. Especially the maid who just made the suggestion.

"General, I just want to learn from you how to release the power of those flames." the maid who proposed knelt down in front of kukas, hugged his legs and whispered, "I don\'t want anything else."

After taking a deep look at the girl, kukas shook his head, reached out and touched her head and said with a smile, "in this world, that power is not something you can control, nor can I control. Don\'t you see the end of the person who released the flame that day? This power is a taboo power." Kukas remembered which legendary old woman the maid had faced with him. Finally, the maid fainted next to his throne because of panic.