Abyss Knight

Chapter 425

"Start complaining when you can\'t pray? Interesting idea." kukas tilted his head and carefully observed the young man in front of him: "are all fates?"

"Yes, it\'s all because I prayed with them. But I don\'t know why they didn\'t respond to me. HMM! Maybe it\'s because my faith is not pious? Hey, you know, the gods are asking too much now." the young man complained loudly.

"Ha ha! Boy, it\'s not that your faith is not pious, it\'s not that the gods are too demanding, but that the gods are hypocrites. They can\'t be called gods, they\'re just powerful professionals." kukas Gaga smiled strangely. At this time, the woman who squatted on the ground and looked through the melody gold coins of fate had selected a gold coin and began to rotate in her hand.

She branded her mind on it, injected magic power into it, the gold coin rotated, and an extremely ancient looking staff appeared in a golden smoke. Then the woman took the staff and yelled, saying that it was an ancient staff, which could speed up her casting speed and reduce her casting consumption. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the young businessman shouted more excitedly.

"Everybody, hurry up! I think the bitch, the goddess of destiny, has puckered up her ass waiting for your luck. Hurry up, or you will regret it all your life." while talking, the young man took out another box from his arms. The box opened and a large number of ancient gold coins fell on the stall.

"I want this one." after the young merchant threw the gold coins on the ground, kukas suddenly felt an extremely ancient desolation from the gold coins. When his mind moved, he reached out and picked up the gold coin with an ancient smell.

"You should get more. You should know that the bitch of the goddess of destiny is not so easy to climax. You need to possess her again and again to satisfy her and change your destiny." the young businessman said this because he was afraid that kukas would open the melody of destiny on the spot.

"Once is enough." kukas giggled. He looked at the young merchant deeply and said with a smile, "I hope you will become a powerful alchemist in the future." after saying this, he turned away without waiting for the other party to say anything. Then others went to buy the melody of fate. Some successfully opened precious magic materials or props, but more only opened the most common things, even nothing.

But kukas said that after leaving the young businessman, he took the lead in returning to his residence. Here he took out the melody of destiny and observed it carefully. After using some ancient secret methods for identification, he thought that the melody of destiny was definitely handed down in ancient times.

The finger gently bounced the gold coin, which whirled and danced in the air and finally fell in his hand. After repeated dozens of times, he made up his mind to open the melody of fate.

In fact, the melody method of opening this ancient destiny is not much different from the method now. After imprinting his own mind mark and instilling a little fighting spirit into it, kukas dropped a drop of his own blood on it. Then the melody of fate began to spin itself. The gold coins whirled in the air and made wonderful sounds.

"It\'s really the melody of fate handed down in ancient times." kukas\'s excited body trembled involuntarily after hearing the sound. At the thought of ancient legends, even if his mind was firm, he couldn\'t restrain his excitement at this time.

The gold coin rotated faster and faster, and the beautiful sound finally evolved into an ancient song. At this time, the gold coins had turned into a golden light because of the rapid rotation, and the light flickered, and burst at the end of the song.

Several small objects fell out of the broken gold coins, and kukas, who had been paying attention, quickly reached out to grab them. Waving his big hand, he scratched strange arcs in the air and grabbed those small objects almost at the same time.

Seven small curved teeth were caught by him. These teeth were dark green, like an inverted comma. These teeth were the same size, and each was only three inches long.

The gold light in the cracked gold coins flickered in the air, and then drilled into kukas\'s forehead and branded it on his mind. In this way, he knew the function and effect of this thing in an instant.

Roper tribe! The name is the name of some strange teeth in kukas\'s hand. After the function of these teeth appeared in his mind, kukas couldn\'t help getting excited.

It turns out that this tooth is actually a member of the lilopier tribe in ancient times. Speaking of the Roper tribe, there is almost no description in the current books. Kukas knows the origin of the tribe and is completely learned through the inheritance of the ancient ghost crying knight.

It is said that the lopier tribe evolved from the teeth of a powerful God after it fell. The fallen gods were very old-fashioned in ancient times, but the creatures bred by his teeth were extremely rebellious and crazy. These tooth changing creatures not only have crazy breeding speed, but also have a murderous nature. In that ancient era, these creatures with tooth evolution once occupied countless planes and killed countless legends and gods. In this era of the strongest race, they even attacked the depths of the abyss and fought with another powerful bloody puppet.

Of course, it was precisely because of that fight that the more powerful bloody puppets completely wiped out this race from most aspects. Leaving only a small number of ethnic members wandering around. Then, as time went on, because this race did not recover its strong power in a short time, it was united by the former enemies, exhausted various methods and paid a huge price before it was wiped out.

"What a beautiful day." after quickly speculating what benefits these teeth would bring to himself, kukas couldn\'t help laughing: "Oh! The glory of the Roper tribe will reappear on the great ghost crying Knight kukas. Oh, let me think, ha ha, I can\'t help it. Well, I can\'t continue to fantasize."

After a long time of madness and excitement, he calmed his mind. Carefully, according to the secret method, he poured his own blood and mind marks on these teeth to outline a simple Dharma array structure. After completing this, he stuffed these teeth into his magic ring. Of course, this baby is powerful, but kukas doesn\'t intend to use it now, because he knows that if he wants to use this baby, he must find a place with rare human traces, at least where there are no strong professionals. The province\'s treasure was robbed or destroyed by other powerful professionals before it fully exerted its power.

After some tossing, it was night. After checking the time, kukas found that the reception of the blue rose winery was about to begin. For his evil plan, he could not delay here any longer. Therefore, after calling the female student attached to him through magic props, he found a ferocious mask to wear on his face, Then he put on a wide cloak and went with the woman to the blue rose winery.

Along the way, the women\'s college seemed very excited. After she got a lot of money at noon, she immediately bought a lot of psychedelic drugs. She curled up in her house all afternoon, constantly taking those psychedelic drugs, and then brought endless spiritual pleasure to herself.

Now the psychedelic potion power on her body has not dissipated. At this time, she took kukas\'s arm and wore exposed clothes, constantly twisted her body and rubbed on him. For this woman\'s situation, kukas had nothing but contempt.

In fact, the blue rose winery is not far from kukas\'s residence. It only takes half a magic time to take a carriage. The winery covers a large area, at least more than 100 mu in size. All kinds of cocktail parties and banquets are held here every day. Almost all the students studying in the 13th stone tower came here. Of course, some come here to work and make money, some come here to enjoy life, and some people take the opportunity to gather here to discuss some secret things or cooperate in some aspects.

After the arrival of kukas, the reception has begun. Some students studying dance and music are playing and singing in the winery. More beautiful girls are dancing and making all kinds of attractive gestures on the wide stage. Of course, these women are the initiators of the cocktail party. They spend money to hire other students to do it.

The huge living room, which can accommodate at least 3000 people, is the main venue of the reception. Many people are involuntarily excited by the flashing and rotating magic lights, coupled with the fast music and tempting dance music.

Some young men and women wear masks and twist their bodies madly here, taking expensive and addictive psychedelic drugs. Under the action of psychedelic drugs, these men and women can do anything crazy, and ignore other people\'s eyes and frantically vent their inner desires.

After throwing more than ten gold coins to the attendant at the door, kukas got which one was zishanshan from the other party. Obeying the instructions of the other party, kukas saw the goal tonight in a remote corner.

"Go! Get that man away from me. If you succeed, I\'ll pay you a thousand gold coins tomorrow." kukas pointed to a man next to zishanshan in the corner and said grimly with a smile: "if you can\'t do it, you don\'t have to breathe the fresh air of tomorrow."