Abyss Knight

Chapter 12

The middle-aged servant watched his nephew carry the lunch box and knock on the heavy wooden door of a house. After knocking regularly three or five times, he laboriously pushed open the door and went in. The door closed with a heavy noise.

The middle-aged servant took a deep breath. He silently wished his nephew a good start.

Since he became a servant, he has been very good at observing the situation around him. At the end of the battle, he saw the ferocious looking squire enter the house where his nephew entered. He had no choice but to pray silently that the gods he believed in could bless his nephew.

Not the servant\'s idea, just kukas.

After finding his house, he followed the solid stone stairs to the second floor. Here he quickly found his own bedroom, training room and restaurant.

Push open the door of the bedroom, and kukas is very satisfied with the dress in the room.

Seven or eight wall lamps were hung on the wall of the bedroom, on which honey candles with thick and thin arms were lit. Although the walls around were empty and without any decoration, the floor was covered with a thick layer of wool blanket. There was a window on the wall facing the street, but it was covered by a thick layer of black velvet curtains.

There is a stone bed beside the window, which is covered with a thick mattress, and there is a finger thick chain at the head of the bed. This chain controls the mechanism above. You can put down the boulder above to practice on yourself at any time.

There was a big barrel at the corner of the bed. Even if the barrel was closed, kukas could still smell a familiar smell of medicine. This is a necessary ointment for the cultivation of knights and squires. If you don\'t use these ointments on your body, I\'m afraid your body will be exhausted in a few days of cultivation. Don\'t mention becoming a knight at that time. It\'s hard to say whether you can continue to maintain your current strength.

In the other corner of the head of the bed, a huge iron frame was placed near the door. It is used to hang the half body armor and weapons of knights and squires. Of course, there is no stable in this room, and the squires\' horses will be led together by the servants to feed.

Just as kukas looked at the room with satisfaction, he suddenly heard a knock at the door below. When I opened the curtain, I saw a young servant knocking on his door nervously, and then pushed the door in.

Seeing this, kukas could not help frowning slightly. He was not satisfied with the servant\'s practice, so he decided to teach him a good lesson when the servant appeared in front of him.

Judging by the sound, the servant didn\'t stop too much after entering his house, and went straight up the stairs.

From the footsteps, kukas heard uneasiness and hesitation.

"What a funny boy, huh! Like the new servants in the manor." kukas pulled the corners of his mouth and showed an ugly smile. White teeth, in the candlelight, are so noticeable.

The footsteps came closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of the training room in the room. After a rhythmic beating, the footsteps moved to the restaurant again after a short time. It was the same rhythmic beating, and finally the footsteps came to the bedroom.

"Come in! I\'m right here." kukas took a high back chair and put it in front of the window. He sat there wearing a half body armor and carrying a battle axe and a golden dagger.

The breathing outside stopped fiercely, and then hurried again. The creaking sound sounded in the quiet room, and then a servant with a bowed head carried a lunch box and came in through the crack in the door. Under kukas\'s gaze, his thin body trembled constantly.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" kukas glanced at the lunch box in the other party\'s hand, swallowed his saliva and pretended to ask.

"Dear knight, your humble servant brought you dinner." the thin servant held the lunch box with trembling hands and handed it to the front. He secretly glanced up at kukas, and then quickly lowered his head.

"Put it on the table and you can leave." kukas frowned slightly. He felt that although the young servant was very short of breath, he felt that his heart beat was not so fierce. Moreover, when he was close, he felt an extremely strange smell emanating from the servant, which made him extremely bored and uncomfortable.

The doubt twined around kukas\'s heart. He couldn\'t help holding the battle axe in his hand. After feeling the cold brought by the battle axe to himself, his heart settled down.

"I kukas thought that after leaving the manor, he didn\'t conflict with anyone else except killing a short eyed knight and squire. Why did you deal with me?" kukas asked fiercely when the young and thin servant put his lunch box on the long table aside and turned to leave.

"Tell me, son, don\'t deceive a knight and squire. The price of deception is not what you can afford." kukas narrowed his eyes, looked at the servant fiercely and asked loudly. The sound was so loud that it passed far in the quiet night that it was estimated that the squires in several nearby houses heard it.

"Dear Sir, your humble servant didn\'t mean to be against you, but just happened to meet you." after hearing kukas\'s loud questioning, the servant\'s breath calmed down, but his shrinking body shrank even more. "Obey the master\'s call, you must die tonight." the servant shook his palm slightly as he spoke.

This extremely small movement was sensitively detected by kukas. He saw a foot long scroll in the servant\'s hand.

The scroll is red and painted with countless exquisite patterns and strange arcs. The strange smell is emitted from the scroll.

"What is this? Why does it bring me such a dangerous feeling?" kukas narrowed his eyes and threw himself like a tiger out of his chair and hit the servant.

The sharp Tomahawk made an arc to chop at the scroll, shoulder to shoulder, and hit the servant with the help of the shoulder guard.

The servant didn\'t expect kukas to move so fast. He just felt the huge figure sitting on the chair shaking in front of him. Then he felt an evil wind blowing over. The evil wind blew out, which made him dizzy and lost all his thinking at once.

When he woke up again, he found that the ferocious knight and squire stood in his original position, and he wanted to turn his head to see his position, but he couldn\'t feel his head move no matter how he shook his head.

"Maybe I succeeded or failed. This damn assassination mission. Maybe I shouldn\'t come to take this last business. I should take my money and go to a remote town or village. There are beautiful and innocent girls there. Their elders will be happy to marry them to me. Damn, use such a precious scroll to kill a knight at random From then on, damn it, it\'s a shameful waste. "The assassin\'s consciousness of the servant costume became less and less blurred. He thought of the strange task, the rich reward and the precious scroll.

However, all this had nothing to do with him. Under the impact of kukas, his whole body was knocked out by kukas, hit the hard wooden door, smashed the wooden door and flew to the opposite wall. Almost all the bones were broken under repeated impact.

The broken bone pierced into the heart and lungs. Without the help of the priest, waiting for him was just death.

After knocking the strange servant out, kukas didn\'t stop too much. With a twist, he turned and jumped out of the house.

It turned out that when his Tomahawk was cutting on the strange scroll, a trace of scarlet light came out of the scroll and spread everywhere. The scarlet light made kukas feel great danger, so he broke the wooden shutters and jumped out of the house.

A violent explosion sounded in his room. With the explosion, a fire burst into the sky, and the second floor of the whole house was swallowed by the fire.

Kukas fell heavily to the ground. In Knight training, he experienced such cultivation, so he didn\'t get hurt when he fell from a high place. Instead, after falling to the ground, he quickly rolled to avoid another possible attack.

After rolling on the ground several times in a row, kukas stood up. At this time, the Knights and squires living in the street had heard the unusual sound and rushed out of their houses.

These retinues were dressed one by one, some with Knight\'s sword and some with war knife and axe. Several retinues with huge heavy shields quickly surrounded kukas and protected him under the shield. The fat retinue who had just fought with kukas carried a chain hammer and walked back and forth restlessly in the street.

"Who is it? Who attacked us here? The owner of tulip manor came out to answer us why we were attacked here?" the angry fat squire roared ferociously in the light of the fire, waved the chain hammer quickly, and bursts of evil wind roared around him. At this time, kukas calmed down a little, took a battle axe, pushed away the people who protected him, stood up and looked around.

Angry faces shook before kukas\'s eyes. Some grumpy squires even rushed to the stables and rode on the horses. They waved their weapons and roared loudly. The roarers wanted to kill those who attacked them. After all, everyone knows that if someone dares to attack kukas here today, someone dares to attack them tomorrow.