A Sorcerer's Journey

Chapter 2081

In the void.

The world tree turned into a girl of fourteen or five years old, with one eye and thin lips, and her hands holding her cheek, she looked forward to the distance with her eyes full of longing.

The king of the second generation of witches sat together and said in a low voice, "what are you thinking?"

"You are the king of the second generation wizard in a few days. My world tree is coming to an end. Ah, if there is an afterlife, I really hope that I can become a free little animal, chasing butterflies aimlessly, sniffing the fragrance of flowers and plants in the field. If you are unrestrained, you will be hunted and killed, and you only need to run for your life."

With his head tilted, the world tree murmured, "is it too much for me to ask?"

The king of the second generation of wizard laughed and shook his head.

"Everyone has his mission. I still remember when I was a child, the wizarding world was not called the wizarding world at that time, and the witches were still in a state of ignorance and enlightenment, because human beings were too weak and helpless. After human ancestors, human beings were less and less affected by the remnants of barbarians in their bodies, but their self-awareness wisdom was stronger and stronger, and everyone was learning and enlightening I'm just one of them

The second generation wizard king is like a good friend, sharing his own story.

"At that time, everyone, including me, was determined to make themselves stronger. When it came to fighting for hegemony with the Hai people, all the witches only wanted to do was to be exterminated? Hehe, at that time, I even prayed that as long as I could get through the current difficulties, the wizard world would have survived no matter what the difficulties were. "

The little girl looked at the king of the second generation wizard with her pigtail and said curiously, "what happened later?"


The king of the second generation of wizard chuckled: "later, by the way, the editor Qingmang said that it was free at the end, so it must be a big chapter to upload, with a large number of words and no money.

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