A Misunderstood Mentor

38 Episode 32 Aftermath of the First Kiss

I was robbed.

The first kiss that I had never had a chance to have, or rather, that I had carefully guarded, was boldly taken from me.

And the guy was the Demon King.

Her mind was in turmoil, and she couldn\'t think of anything to do.

In a dreamlike state, you return to the hall of the big war party, holding Chiharu in your arms as she sleeps.

Takumi-dono, you\'re late. Leia\'s match is already over.

"Tak-kun, are you okay? \'Are you sick to your stomach?\'

\'Yeah, yeah, yeah,\'

Chloe and Demon Sword Karuna spoke to me, but I could only give them a raw reply and take a seat.

\'\'It smells kind of nostalgic.

My heart leaps at the words of Miakis, the Beast King sitting in the seat behind me.

Is there still a faint scent of blue roses transferred from the Demon King?


Meanwhile, Leia comes back after the game.

"I wish you could have seen it. I\'ve won. I\'ve defeated the past.

He must have fought quite a deadly battle with the covert Yol.

Having said that, Leia seemed to have had her wounds healed by the Four Divine Pillars, but her clothes were torn and tattered in places.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find it. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find it.

I almost gave up a couple of times during the game. If it had been me before, I would have lost. But because Takumi was watching over me, I was able to give it my all.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That\'s good to hear.

Sorry, I wasn\'t watching at all.

Then let\'s start the sixth game of the first round! Master Rick, Master End, please come to the arena!

The announcement is made and Rick and End go up to the arena, but I can\'t seem to concentrate.

I can\'t stop thinking about why the demon king kissed me, that\'s all I can think about.

Apparently there is an outrageous tradition in the west where people kiss each other in lieu of a greeting. I wonder if the demon king is from there.

You are going to be able to get the best out of it. Did you seriously support me until you became that much?

You\'re right, you\'re right.

I say my usual line, which is the most distracting thing I\'ve ever said.

No good. My head is dominated by nothing but kisses.

The audience cheered loudly and the match between Rick and End was quite exciting.

\'How dare you prevent my Excalibur from being used in such a way? As expected of the Shield of Silence, Rick!

"...... infinite shield formation.

Shields of all sizes were floating around Rick.

He remembered that once, when he was in a party, he always protected himself with those shields.

But even that shield now looked like the lips of a demon king.

I felt like I was going crazy and looked away in a hurry.

\'\'Ta, Takumi-san. Are you sure you\'re okay?\'\'

I look away and see Leia\'s face, and I can\'t help but look at her lips.

I asked her something I would normally never ask at this point.

\'Have you ever kissed Leia?\'


After Leia froze for a moment.

\'Kissssss !!!!!!?\'

He shouted with a tremendous loud noise that reached to the heavens.

The crowd that had been in full swing fell silent.

Even Rick and End, who were having a match, stopped the fight and looked at us.

\'\'Wah, wah, wah, I\'ve never done that!\'\'

Turning bright red and averting her gaze, Leia asked me a question this time in a small voice.

\'Ta, Takumi-san, of course you have, right?

No, no, it wasn\'t there until just now: ......

By the time I realized the gaffe, it was too late.

Doh! With a dull, loud noise, Leia performs a god-surrender.

It was scarier than any god-surrender I\'ve ever seen.

Leia\'s face became like a demon\'s and a bright red third eye appeared on her forehead.

\'\'God Descending Ultimate Profoundness, God of Destruction (Shiva) Descending.\'\'

Leia\'s voice, mixed with the man\'s, was dusky with anger that looked like it was about to explode.

You didn\'t even show us your ultimate inner workings in the Nuruhachi fight.

You just said...

Three eyes stare at me.

\'Does that mean you kissed me earlier?\'

Hii, I couldn\'t even scream.

The strongest killing spirit I\'ve ever felt, I try to ask Chloe, who is sitting next to me, for help.

\'\'I\'d love to hear that, too,\'\'

It had turned into a half-dragon.

His sharp fangs and claws grew out, and he is about to reach his full form now.

I have Karuna in a hurry. The only person who can help me anymore is Karuna: ......

"No, please don\'t help me, Tuck.

Karuna gives off an aura of disaster.

I\'m going to have to ask you to tell me what happened.

No, no. I, I didn\'t do it. I\'m just a guy who was just at ......

I suppress my mouth at another gaffe.

\'They did! My own Takumi! Who the hell are you? How dare you do this to me! Let me go! He\'s going to tear me into eight pieces!

The demon. Leia, who even challenged him to a match of fate with the past, is completely oblivious to herself.

Also, it\'s not just me, Takumi.

\'Help me out. Anyone who messes with my husband will be killed.

A half-dragonized Chloe is smiling evilly.

Also, he\'s not our husband.

Even though Rick and End were in the middle of a match, the crowd in the hall was glued to us.

Even the two men who were fighting were looking at us and listening.

It\'s a good idea to be able to have a good time with them. Speak quickly!

Come on, say it. Say it now, or there will be consequences.

"Tuck, you\'ve given up,

Leia and the others will question me, but I can\'t tell them.

If I say it here, an out-of-place stubborn battle with the Demon King will break out.

With my mouth held down, I shake my head in a pull.

"I\'ve figured out who it is, my dear.

That\'s when Miakis, sitting behind me, says something outrageous.

\'\'That woman smells just like the Demon King!

At some point, Linden-san was sitting in the direction that Miakis was pointing at, right behind him.

No, that\'s the real Demon King over there.

\'\'Since the guild president was beaten hand and foot, seducing the Demon King-sama with a color scheme, that\'s totally outrageous shit b*tc*!

What would happen if I told Miakis the truth?

I called her a f*cking b*tc* to the Demon King.

\'You\'re the one who put Takumi\'s lips on ......\'

Leia\'s killing intent sharpens and pours into the demon king.

I have to stop it, but it\'s so powerful that I can\'t even speak or move.

\'\'Oh dear, a mere kiss is a big deal.

As expected of a demon king. He lightly shrugs off Leia\'s killing intent.

"If you don\'t want to be robbed, you (you) can try it too.

With a blur, Leia\'s face turned bright red.

I don\'t want to be the one to take Takumi and kiss him, ki-ki-ki-ki! ...... oh.

Leia\'s figure had returned to normal.

It seems that the divine possession that had been brought down by the Demon King\'s shocking statement has been released.

Whatever she imagined, Leia turned bright red and froze as it was.

\'\'Yes, if I don\'t do anything, I\'ll lose it.

Perhaps inspired by the Demon King\'s words, Chloe, who had been half-dragonized, comes up to me.

\'\'You see, so do we.\'\'

And then, she moved her face closer to mine.

"You know, my house too, huh?

On the verge of having his lips taken away, the magic sword Karuna moved automatically to guard his lips.

Mu-chu, Chloe kissed that sword.

Oh, my God, I could\'ve kissed Cal, sister (hey)!

"I can\'t give up on you, Koo-chan!


As the two of them fight, the Demon King is watching them and laughing with great pleasure.

\'\'You can visit .......\'\'

Leia, who has finally melted from the freeze, is glaring at such a demon king.

\'\'You like Takumi-san, don\'t you?

I\'m not sure.

The Demon King said teasingly, with a smile on his face.

\'But do you remember your promise? It was one thing to listen to whatever the camp that won this Grand Martial Competition said, right?

I remember. But I thought the rule could be vague when I announced it as the Demon King.

Is the Demon King still going to carry it out?

\'\'If I win, I\'ll take him.

An overwhelming aura overflows from the Demon King as he said that.

\'\'I won\'t let you ......! I will take you down.

Well, I\'m looking forward to it.

With that, the Demon King stood up and left the scene.

Leia, Chloe, and even Miakis were unable to move as they stared at the Demon King\'s rear view.

In the meantime, Chiharu, who had been sleeping in my lap until now, wakes up.


While everyone was paying attention to the Demon King who was walking away, Chiharu rubbed her eyes with a sleepy face and then kissed me on the lips with a chuff.

It was like a father-son kiss, and I accepted it easily, without the same agitation as when the Demon King did it to me.

\'It\'s okay. Chiharu won\'t let Takumi go again.\'\'

It was a phrase I had heard somewhere sometime ago.