A Misunderstood Mentor

25 Twenty-one episodes and no one is gone

So, that\'s what happened?

Chloe came to me in the morning after the Ten Goukai.

Takumi, who was sitting comfortably while the other strongmen stood up, said proudly, "I\'ll beat you guys with one finger. I\'ll take you all down with one fingertip while you\'re sitting there.

There he is, the Dragon King!

Leia is rambling on.

I no longer have the energy to go into it. And he\'s not the Dragon King.

But how did he get through that kind of shura unscathed?

I was stuck in my seat for a while, unable to move.

\'\'I don\'t want to fight here.

How relieved I was by those words from Chairman Barbaroy.

He must have warned me with those words.

\'There will be a guild martial arts competition in exactly one month. How about we each send multiple representatives and do whatever the winning camp says.

The Guild\'s Grand Martial Competition.

I have bad memories of being forced by Nuruhachi to participate in that tournament, which was tournament style, a long time ago.

The unseemly first round loss was lightly traumatic.

\'What do you call everything?\'

Tell them the Guild will not interfere with you in any way, and you\'ll never come here again.

As expected of an old man, he sees exactly what I want most.

But on the other hand, if he loses, I might be bound as the Demon King for life.

I look at the members who followed me at the round table.

I don\'t feel like I\'m going to lose when compared to my opponent.

\'\'What do you mean by multiple representatives? I\'ve only got about one other person left in the group besides the members here.

I\'ve been a bloke until recently. The only other person I can think of is Chloe, but I don\'t want to ask for it if at all possible. I\'m afraid I\'m going to be made king in a heartbeat.

I don\'t care how many people you have. "I don\'t care how many, but you can have one if you\'re sure.

No, no, no, no, on the contrary, I\'m the only one who doesn\'t want to participate, saying I have a stomach ache or something.

But they\'re going to mobilize the entire guild over there. I\'m super scared just thinking about it.

\'\'In that case, I\'ll let the other three members of the Four Heavenly Kings participate too.

The words of the Beast King Miakis give me a little bit of relief.

If the Four Heavenly Kings are as strong as Miakis, who lightly fought off the mad warrior (berserker) Zach, then they\'re pretty reliable, right?

All right. I\'ll take that offer.

It\'s settled. I\'ll inform you of our representatives at a later date.

Barbaroi stood up and turned away.

The other five were still staring at me, as if they weren\'t convinced.

\'Don\'t do it, it\'s folly to fight an opponent whose power you don\'t understand.

With those words, the five of us finally turn to leave the place.

...... There\'s a lot of room. If you wanted to, you could really get rid of us without a hitch, couldn\'t you?

No, you need to get out of here before I\'m done. I\'m begging you.

But you mustn\'t underestimate the guild, Demon King Takumi. I still have some goodies left in reserve.

Well, I\'m looking forward to it.

Well, let\'s just say I\'ve left the rest to you guys and I\'ll abstain in the first round. I\'ll abstain in the first round.

This is how the turbulent Ten Goukai finally came to an end.

Leia and Chloe\'s conversation was even more exciting and showed no signs of ending.

As they emerged from the cave, they saw Miakis, the Beast King, curled up on a large rock, basking in the sun.

When he\'s quiet, he looks a little cute, like a real cat.

\'\'N-nya?\'\' Is the demon king here to bask in the sun too?

No, no. More importantly, how long are you going to be here?

Demon Lord is kind, the food is delicious, and I want to be a child here.

"I categorically refuse.

After eating dinner with the rest of us last night, Miakis missed me so much.

Even though it\'s hard for Chihar and Leia alone, I can\'t afford to add more dependents to the family.

\'\'Anyway, I want to ask you one thing, did you feel the Demon King\'s presence here, have you felt it even once since then?\'\'

\'\'No, I don\'t feel it at all. Even though I\'m this close to you, you look like a f*cking scumbag, your ability to hide your power is too great.

It\'s been a long time since I\'ve had a shitty attack, and tears blur in front of my eyes.

However, if Miakis felt a hint of presence here, it would have narrowed down the candidates for the Demon King quite a bit.

The Guild\'s Grand Martial Meeting in a month\'s time.

If I can find the real Demon King before then, I\'ll be cleared of all charges and won\'t have to participate in the tournament.

There were twelve candidates for the Demon King that were there.

The six who returned and the six who are left.

Which one of them is the Demon King?

Hey, cat. Don\'t think you\'ve won that one.

A short distance away, the mad warrior (berserker) Zach was bare swinging his great sword.

Why don\'t you even go back ......

You\'re not going to be able to get away with it. At that time, I hadn\'t even shown a glimpse of my true strength. In the Great War Party, I\'m going to beat you to a pulp.

Okay, okay, okay. If you want, I can take care of you right now.

...... I don\'t want to do this now because I want to beat him on the big stage. I\'m not afraid of you.

Zach buzzes his great sword to fool around.

I don\'t think it\'s possible that this guy is a demon king, but maybe it\'s possible that he\'s pretending to be weak.

In the meantime, let\'s be vigilant. But probably not.

\'\'Oh, that\'s right. Demon King. I want something fatty for dinner, so let\'s have meat. A madman needs fat. Also, I want you to serve a mountain of rice from the start. It\'s too much trouble for me to refill every time.

You\'re not even going to stay.

At the round table in front of the cave, the Goblin King and Rick are playing an Eastern game of chess.

You\'re not going to stay here for another month, are you?

That\'s not good. Before I\'m a demon king or not, I\'ll run out of food reserves and won\'t be able to survive the winter.

As I was thinking about this, a messenger bird flew in front of me and left the same black envelope as last time.

\'Don\'t tell me you\'ve already decided on a representative from the other side?

I hurriedly tore open the envelope and looked at the contents.

Sure enough, the name of the representative was written on it.


Zach, who had been peeking at the letter from behind, shouts out.

\'My name isn\'t in it!

Yeah, that\'s not important.

Rather than that, I can\'t believe my eyes at the name on the guild\'s representative.


Those three letters were indeed engraved there.