A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 167

For a long time, Gu Yuncai said in a low voice, "a team like sujiajun is very necessary to form a special force to carry out special tasks. Every member of this team must be an elite individual, able to independently complete the special tasks of attacking, disturbing and destroying, reconnoitering behind the enemy, stealing intelligence, and even fighting and assassinating. Their equipment must be the best and their capabilities must be the most outstanding. The most important thing is that they don't belong to any battalions in the old army. There is only one person who can command them. That is you. "

Su Ling's heart is full of shock! The black eyes narrowed slightly. Looking at Gu yunsujing's face, her clear eyes were full of calm and clear colors. Facing suling's deep and complicated eyes, Gu Yun suddenly understood the alert in his eyes. He shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "you don't need to be so nervous. I didn't call you treason. Besides, a special force is not enough for treason. In a sense, soldiers and swords are the same. They are all weapons. Weapons are not good or bad. It's mainly the people who use them. The formation of special forces is only my personal opinion, but you can think about it slowly. "

Gu Yun shrugs his shoulders indifferently. She just gives him a suggestion. She doesn't listen to him.

Gu Yun lamented that she always cherished weapons and used to take care of guns with great care. Now it seems that it is not suitable for ice refining.

Gu Yun is busy with his own business, but he doesn't notice that the eyes of the eagle have never moved away from her.

"I think you said it very well. That's exactly what I want to talk to you about." Maybe he just wanted to find something to do for her at first, but now he changed his mind. It's not easy to pack everything. Suling's low voice rings behind her. Gu Yun slowly turns around and asks incredulously, "do you want me to help you with your training?" She didn't trust her ability, but she didn't believe that suling would ask her to train such a special army.

Su Ling nodded generously and said, "when we need to use this team, we must encounter the most dangerous situation. I need someone who is capable and trustworthy to train them."

Capable and trustworthy people? He's talking about her? Gu Yunyue heard that his scalp was numb, but he didn't see anything strange on his face. Gu yunmo is silent. Su Ling asked directly, "I'll give you three hundred and two months salary. Are you satisfied? "

Gu Yun does not know what the concept of three hundred Liang is, but she knows that it is definitely not a small number. Faintly, she had guessed the purpose of suling's visit tonight, so she gave a cold snort in her heart and said quietly, "how much is Han Shu's monthly salary?"

What did she ask? Su Ling hesitated for a while, looking at Gu Yun's cold eyes, and finally replied, "two hundred Liang." Did she still see what he meant?

When Su Ling was worried that she would refuse her stubborn character, Gu yunshuang quickly replied: "just started running in with your army, it should be the probation period. I'll get the same salary as Han Shu. When I get results, I'll ask for a raise."

She will not be unable to live with the money, and what she takes is the income equal to her own pay. What suling does is not important to her. With his money, she will naturally let him see the value of the money, and she really miss the days of practicing lengxiao. Maybe with their company, every day here will be better!

She agreed, and suling's heart hung down, so she said back, "after three days of long service, you can choose the soldiers you need from the permanent army in the capital." Now he also has some expectations for her so-called special forces. He still remembers that the excellent man named lengxiao would rather give up the opportunity to enter the tiger subduing camp and follow her. Maybe she is really worth it.

"Special forces don't cost much. I only need the best 100." With a thousand enemies, this is the goal she once said to Han Shu. She will achieve it.

"Good." Since she was given training, suling had no intention of interfering with her. Under the moonlight, two slender shadows, one tall and one short, stand shoulder to shoulder. Her beautiful face is more and more gentle, her long eyelashes are like a crescent moon, and her bright eyes are still as clear and persistent as ever, so beautiful are the eyes of women.

Suling's dark eyes stared at her tightly. Suddenly, Gu Yun became uneasy and asked awkwardly, "what else can I do?"

"No." Cold to leave a word, suling turned out of heaven garden. Looking at the tall figure leaving in a hurry, Gu Yun is inexplicable. Why does he stare at her?

The moon night is dim. In a delicate small wing room, a soft oil lamp is lit. In front of the small crib, the beautiful and dignified lady looks at the baby on the crib with tenderness. Her face is full of love. The baby's pink face was red, and she fell asleep safely under the gentle coax of the woman. The servant girl standing behind the lady said in a low voice, "madam, it's past the time of the child. The little young master has gone to bed. You can rest early. The servant girl will take good care of the little young master."

The woman frowned slightly, her eyes could not be separated from the little life in the cradle. After a long time, she reluctantly put down her heart treasure and asked anxiously, "well, you must take care of it carefully. If you have anything, please call me at once." This is the child she and the master are looking forward to. It's their lifeblood.

"Yes." The servant girl nodded.

The woman stood up reluctantly when she gently pulled the quilt and helped him to cover it. Just walked to the screen, I heard that the closed window lattice was suddenly blown open by a strong wind, banging on the wall, a dark figure suddenly appeared in the room in a very ghostly way. Under the moonlight, the tall figure stood silently in front of the crib, with black clothes and silver hair. His presence was as cold as death. She could not see her face with her back to the moonlight, but could feel the cold breath coming on her face. The woman asked in panic, "you Who are you? "

The man didn't speak and picked up the baby neatly. The baby moved uneasily because of the abnormal noise and the touch. The woman was even more frightened. She rushed forward and shouted, "what are you going to do? Put down my son!"

The man turns around indifferently, the dazzling silver wire draws a silver light under the moonlight, and the dark figure also faces out of the window.

"Stop, give me my son back!" The mother's nature of protecting her children made the always weak woman rush to the window quickly, almost catching the man's skirt. A cold light flashed in the man's eyes and waved mercilessly. The woman's figure immediately hit the screen wind not far away like a broken kite.

"Ah!" The woman's forehead just hit the corner of the screen, and the blood flowed down. Blood scared the silly servant girl. She hurriedly stepped forward, picked up the lady who was half lying on the ground and said: "madam! Are you ok? "

They sat on the ground, their dark figure disappearing into the night. A time of change, let the child in the arms be frightened, he cried loudly, cry more and more far, but mercilessly tear mother's heart. The lady could not feel the pain on her forehead at all. Her heart had been torn to pieces at this moment, and she kept crying in her mouth: "my son! My son... "

While supporting the woman who fell to the ground, the servant girl screamed in panic, "come! Come on! There's something wrong with you, young master! "

The shrill shouting soon attracted a group of housekeepers. In a short time, a middle-aged man who was more than 50 years old rushed to the house, and was caught by the mess and blood in the room. He picked up the crying woman and said, "what's the matter?"

The low male voice finally restored the woman's mind. She held his hand tightly and cried hysterically, "master Master, please help our son. He was robbed by a man with silver hair! Save him! Save him! "

Hearing the silver hair, the middle-aged man held the woman's hand and shook uncontrollably, the silver man! Is it a silver haired man again? Thinking of what happened recently, the middle-aged man looked like a dead man.

After taking over the task of training special forces, Gu Yun didn't have any time to spare. He has been making training plans these days. At the same time, he has also stepped up the drawing of weapons and training equipment to facilitate the preparation of people. The reason why she has only one hundred people is to ensure that everyone can get the best training and have the best weapons.

Gu Yun buried his head and thought about what more intensive training was needed. Mingshu's voice sounded outside the door, "girl."

Without looking up, Gu Yun asked casually, "what's the matter?"

Uncle Ming didn't walk into the house and said respectfully: "tomorrow is the wedding ceremony of Lou Xiang. The Xiangfu sent someone to say that in order to meet you tomorrow, Miss Qingling has moved to Haoyue post station to live. You can see her directly at the post station tomorrow morning."

Is tomorrow the wedding? Just thinking about the training plan, she almost forgot the time. Gu Yun clapped his forehead, smiled and sighed, "I know." She stretched out her waist, only to find that it was sunset and the training plan in her hand was almost done, so she asked, "has the long term come back?"

"I went back last night."

Just come back, let the soldiers rest for a few days, then she can choose soldiers. Gu Yun once again buried himself in the training plan and said lightly, "you are busy."

"Yes." Uncle Ming turned around and was about to leave. Gu Yun seemed to think of something. He raised his head and said, "wait a minute. Uncle Ming, please find me a women's dress. Don't exaggerate it. It'll be delivered early tomorrow. " I almost forgot that tomorrow is sunny's wedding. She can't go to congratulate in black!

"Yes." Uncle Ming smiles. It's hard for her to remember that. It seems that the girl cares about that elder sister very much.