A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 77: It's not a ministry issue, it's a social issue

"About the year Harry was raped by Snape, those things"

If it were written into a book, it would definitely be a god, and it would be popular in both the Muggle and magic worlds.

If you find a reliable writer, such as Rita...with her ability to exaggerate and count words, she can write seven books and even make a series of movies.

So, Harry can\'t really blame him for being so full of resentment.

After all, what Snape did to him:

Not very aggressive, but very insulting.

Usually, it’s fine, at most points will be deducted, but this time it’s really a social death.

Harry begged several times to tell William and the others not to reveal the content of the trial, especially not to let Qiu know.

As long as they don\'t say it, and no one of the classmates participates in the trial, no one will know his content.

The behavior of the ostrich hiding its head under the sand can indeed have a self-soothing effect.

But Mr. Weasley, very politely told Harry:

"The testimony and content of the trial will be publicized for three days for fairness."

Announcement means that it is easy to find, especially the reporters who have been paying close attention to the boy who survived the catastrophe.

William patted Harry on the shoulder again and delivered a fatal blow:

"Even if the news isn\'t reported, we don\'t say it. Do you think Professor Snape wouldn\'t say anything in Potions class?"

Harry suddenly felt 10,000 points of damage, and his HP was only 9,990.

He broke the defense on the spot!

It\'s okay, it\'s okay, this Hogwarts won\'t wait.

With Snape, without him! Dumbledore could only choose one of the two.

Harry was already thinking about changing schools.

He heard that William had a relationship with Beauxbatons. If he went by himself, he might even get a high scholarship.

It\'s not bad to go to Durmstrang.

Harry "admired" Krum. I had a good time with each other for the whole year last year.

Of course not bad, Harry cheated Krum so many times.

After returning to the Burrow, in order to celebrate the victory of the lawsuit, everyone decided to celebrate once.

Kreacher did everything he could to make his specialty dishes.

During the meal, everyone was asking about the details of the trial.

Of course, there was nothing to hide about the content of Hermione\'s trial, and William was the defender.

But Harry was upset... this time against Ron.

He gave hints to his eyes, but Ron kept his eyesight and asked him about the details of the trial.

In front of Qiu, he asked who the letter was written to in the morning.

Harry faltered and didn\'t say anything.

However, everyone\'s attention is not on the trial, but on the latest "Daily Prophet".

Rita, who had mastered a lot of photos, was under William\'s deliberate suppression, she held back the draft for more than a month, and wanted to make big news for a long time.

So, she came prepared, and the first shot was a well-documented serialized report:

"The Return of the Mysterious Man".

From a non-objective point of view, Rita describes the process of the resurrection of the mysterious man and the battle against Stark.

Of course, most of the content is made up. How to exaggerate how to come:

What is the war to the frontiers of the universe, the magic power fills every gesture, the galaxy shatters, and the avenues are all wiped out.

Everyone watched it with great enthusiasm, and the most important thing was that it was accompanied by dynamic photos to testify.

Rita had enough appetite, but she only posted one piece of content every day, and it seemed that she was going to be serialized in the Daily Prophet for a long time.

The wizards frantically sent her fake wands to urge her to change. It is said that the effect is similar to that of Muggle blades.

But just a month ago, Fudge was promoting:

You-Know-Who is dead, Dumbledore is old, Stark is crazy, Potter is stupid.

Public opinion turned wildly for a while, but it also became polarized.

Under pressure, Fudge gave an interview, but claimed that it was a fake photo and that Rita Skeeter was responsible for her reporting!

A reporter asked on the spot about Bertha Jorkins, who was still in the hospital, and Crouch, who had died.

Because according to Rita\'s report, the accident of the two was related to the mysterious person.

Fudge defended loudly:

"Look at the officials of the Ministry of Magic, which one didn\'t exchange his life for Galleon, I never thought it was the problem of the dark wizards, but the problem of this society.

This is a magical era of desperate struggle, you can choose a comfortable day - that is to go home.

But you have to choose the consequences of comfort. People can control their own efforts, and we can all.

So the dead Ministry of Magic officials, of course, are their own problems, and have nothing to do with the Ministry! "New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://www.@x81zw@@

The reporters were in an uproar on the spot, and Fudge later defended:

This is the intern who got the wrong speech... already fired!

But after this wave of reverse public relations, in the black market, the odds of Fudge\'s continuing to serve as minister next year began to soar again... It\'s like Bitcoin, which remains high!




The sixth meeting of the Phoenix Society was held.

"Fudge has begun to pressure the Daily Prophet." Mr. Weasley read the information he knew.

"No more Rita Skeeter articles."

"Will the Daily Prophet stop?" Tonks asked. "I\'m afraid they won\'t be able to handle the pressure."

Everyone looked at William. Everyone knew that Rita and William had a special cooperation.

Good guy... Everyone is only now realizing why Rita has written so many scandals.

And she never reported on William and Hermione, the most popular in recent years.

It turned out that the two sides had already gotten into a fight.

William said calmly:

"I still say the same thing. The Daily Prophet cannot resist the pressure and is unwilling to report. There are many newspapers in China.

Some are newspapers, willing to take risks in order to make money. "

Just look at the recent sales of the Daily Prophet, which has more than tripled.

Some people not only do not fall down every issue, but even buy a few more.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

"What about the woman\'s safety?" Snape reminded. "The Dark Lord has ordered her to be purged."

"Don\'t worry, she\'s hiding in a safe place now, and nothing will go wrong," William said.

"How is Umbridge?" McGonagall looked at Kingsley.

"Umbridge said she was suspended for investigation, but Minister Fudge still allowed her to come to work." Kingsley shook his head and said:

"There is one more piece of information... Minister Fudge forcibly took the three Aurors away.

I suspect that he wants these three people to be the top package~www.novelhall.com~ The so-called top package is to ask one of the Aurors to plead guilty.

It is also very simple to operate:

He said that he took Umbridge\'s wand and used the Unforgivable Charm.

This method, for officials of this level, is really just a routine operation.

If that happens, there\'s really no way to convict Umbridge for a felony.

At most, it was the charge of blocking Hermione.

To put it bluntly, Umbridge\'s backer was Fudge, and only when he fell, the toad that climbed on him would be crushed to death.

But that\'s fine, William has a way to torture her.

William has tortured the king.

After the meeting, Professor McGonagall stopped William, took out a letter from his pocket and said:

"William, so many of you are in the Burrow, so I brought all your letters this year.

Including what items, books, and fifth grade prefect badges are needed for the next school year.

Of course, including you and Miss Qiu Zhang\'s O. W. Ls transcript! "

William took those letters... the college entrance examination transcript, is this down?

It was too sudden!

People are not mentally prepared yet.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the "Nine-Tailed Cat" boss. )