A Magical Hogwarts

v5 Chapter 15: what do you see? !

After dinner, Hermione was called to the study by Bagshot, as if she had something important to give her.

William followed Terenei to repair the little wreck.

It is indeed too much to say that it is a small broken ship. The Dragon can still be used, but the outer hull is too damaged, and it looks a bit miserable.

William sat on the bow, sketching on parchment.

"What are you writing?" Terenei bent over and stuck her head out.

"A defensive magic." William turned his quill.

"Sophisticated magic, written in the language of ancient Rune. This kind of protection is there on the Hogwarts train. Even a thunderbird\'s attack can be stopped."

"so smart?!"

Terenei stared intently, as if preparing to steal a lesson.

But the dense fonts are too persuasive, and she has a headache looking at it.

"No, the more you look, the more sleepy you get." She yawned and sat down next to William.

Raising his chin again, he asked curiously, "How did you do it?"

"Learning over time, of course, you have to have a little talent." William said with a smile.

"You are so talented in language, it should be easy to learn this kind of thing."

The problem of his being a teacher came up, "Look, the ancient rune is very simple, as long as..."

"I was asking... how did your quill turn?" Terenei interrupted.

After co-authoring and talking for a long time, sister, your attention was all attracted by the quill pen?

William was a little sad.

Or Hermione...the two of them talked about this, and they could lie together and talk all night without getting sleepy.

His hands were getting faster and faster, the quill twirling and jumping on his fingertips.

"It\'s not easy either, the skill of turning the pen is..."

Terenei has used her wand, conjured up a quill, and quickly taught herself.

A minute later, she was more skilled than William.

Terenei glanced over triumphantly.

William hurt his self-esteem and decided to ignore her and continue to draw the spell.

"Are you going to add all this?" Terenei asked.

"Of course, if you want to change the magic, you need to be more thorough." William said excitedly.

"Fix the defenses, then go to Mr. Weasley and design a flight structure. He\'s a specialist in that.

I\'ll get you another invisibility device..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with you, finish work early, go back to sleep early." William got into the cabin.

Terenei also got in. She lifted the deck and pulled out a lot of Muggle tools, ready to repair the engine.

It\'s okay to sit quietly in the Dragon, but the two of them are working in it, and the ship seems to be very small.

"Why don\'t you expand the boat with the Traceless Stretch Charm?" William asked, waving his wand.

"This is..."

"You don\'t even know the Traceless Stretching Charm, right?" William joked.

In this day and age, are there any wizards who can\'t use the Traceless Stretching Charm?

In the words of Mr. Newt: "The thing I\'m not good at is the Traceless Stretching Charm."

Even if you are not good at this level, how powerful should you be in the field of expertise?

Ordinary people would definitely think Newt was bragging, but William knew no.

Because Newt\'s strongest area is magical animals.

How great is he?

As long as you taste the saltiness of the feces, you can know what animal it is, what food it has eaten, and whether it has diarrhea.

Look, this is called professional!

In the field of magical animals, William would like to call him the strongest!

"Who wouldn\'t... I\'m just unskilled!" Terenei quibble, breaking the fan of the engine with force.

She won\'t actually be normal.

The Traceless Stretching Charm is high-end magic that most wizards can\'t. Otherwise, the rings in the Akali Mystery Shop would not be so popular.

Terenei skillfully changed the engine, and returned to the bow to stay out of the way.

She moved a chair, sat on it, crossed Erlang\'s legs, and watched William cast the spell.

She didn\'t hold an umbrella, and the rain fell on the leather jacket and turned into water droplets and slid down.

"Are you going to continue the search for the Goblet of Fire tomorrow?" Terenei asked.

"Yeah, there\'s no way to stop that dragon without it," William said without turning his head.

"There are only a dozen suspected tombs. If everything goes well, they can be checked in two days."

"Can you lend me the fake Goblet of Fire?" Terenei asked with interest. "I\'ve never seen that thing up close."

William took the box out of the safety form and threw it away.

"Who did you say stole it?" She opened the lid with a creaking sound.

"If I knew, I would have gone to catch him now." William rolled his eyes.

"Both Hermione and I suspect Martell. He is the most suspicious and wants us!"

William was still waiting for Traene to criticize Martell, who knew she had changed the subject.

"You and Hermione are wanted, your parents know, will you be worried?"

"Probably not." William pondered, "It\'s not the first time anyway. Besides, they don\'t read Italian newspapers."

"It\'s good..." Terenei put the wooden goblet into the old wooden box and gently closed the lid.

"What about you... If you don\'t go home at night like this, will your family be worried?"


Terenei put the box on the deck. She got up and lay down, resting her head on the wooden box, letting the rain beat her bumpy body.

"I have a younger sister, and I have an average relationship. I have a father that I haven\'t seen for a long time... Probably dying.

So they don\'t worry about me. "

The two were silent for a long time.

In the rainy night, there is really nothing to see. She looked at the sky and finally spoke:

"It\'s over, I\'m going to see you guys in England. I haven\'t seen the World Cup yet, but I don\'t have tickets..."

William walked out of the cabin and said knowingly, "I\'ll help you."

"Thank you then!" Terenei threw a wink and said confidently: "The arrival fee for the ticket is very reasonable."

She stood up and returned the wooden box to William.

"You and Hermione are sure to find the real Goblet of Fire. I\'m a little sleepy and I\'m going back to sleep."

After she said this, she jumped off the boat, got up and walked back to the house.

Her slender legs, wrapped in tight leather pants, looked graceful.

William held the wooden box and just looked at her back without speaking.



It has been more than an hour since the gondola was basically repaired.

William took a shower and changed into clean clothes before opening the door and walking back to his room.

No surprise, Hermione was there.

She was sitting cross-legged on the bed in a pink suspender nightdress, sorting through a pile of papers.

"It\'s all notes from Mrs. Bagshot!"

Hermione was very excited and stretched happily, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

Her development is still normal, and finally has some arcs, and some places are no longer flat.

Hermione suddenly followed the guy\'s line of sight and looked down, isn\'t it his own neckline? !

She said angrily, "Stinky rascal, where are you looking?!"

William sat down on the bed and said brazenly, "Is it illegal?"

"...You...you\'re so righteous...who have you seen secretly?!"

William rolled his eyes, took off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and looked down at those important notes.

Hermione hugged the pillow, rolled in comfort, then lifted her legs, trying to take the opportunity to give him a light kick.

Count it as his revenge for peeking at others!

William reached out to block Hermione\'s legs, and the girl tried to pull back. He immediately grabbed the smooth calf and reached out and scratched the soles of his feet.

Hermione slumped on the bed, and she felt itchy, her face flushed immediately, and she begged for mercy softly.

William scratched twice before letting go of the girl\'s leg. She didn\'t retract, and put it on the teenager\'s thigh.

Hermione\'s fluffy hair was scattered on her bare shoulders, she turned her back, half turned her head, and gave him a hateful look.

In the face of such a lethal look, William ignored it lightly, and asked with a smile, "Did you find anything?"


Even so, Hermione threw a document she thought was important.

After William opened it, he found that Hermione was already at a certain position and marked it with a red pen.

"In September 1289, there was a sudden rainstorm in Italy. After an investigation by the International Federation of Wizards, this was a vicious thing concocted by a wizarding group in Sardinia.

At the International Conference of Wizards in 1289, there was an urgent discussion on this issue..."

In 1289, Venetian Doge Dandolo had been dead for decades. The Holy Grail has also entered Italy.

This time point, combined with the current situation... Obviously the Sardinian wizards at that time did something to the Holy Grail.

It seems that one of the dragons came out at that time.

So the dragon is not in Venice, but in Sardinia? !




The house was quiet.

A woman in a black leather coat quietly opened the door.

She looked up at ~www.novelhall.com~ and found that the light in William\'s room was finally turned off. She stood there and listened for a moment with her ears sideways,

The two were probably already asleep.

She tiptoed out of the small building and jumped on the gondola.

She rubbed the bow for a moment and lifted the elegant ornament that protruded from the bow.

This is a unique decoration of the gondola. It has a sickle-shaped appearance. The six teeth represent the six districts of Venice, and its rectangular blade is the unique headdress of the Doge of Venice.

She took out a wooden goblet from a dark compartment.

She turned around and looked at the small building, stared at it for a long time, then took the fish capsule and jumped into the canal, splashing a burst of water.



(At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, everyone.

Thank you "Lonely Snow A745" for the reward. )