A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 93: Wizards are a bunch of evil guys

Harry had a long dream, his second dream of the night.

This time he didn\'t see the red-haired woman... It\'s a pity!

Harry was still hoping to pick up on the last dream.

In the dream, he came to strange surroundings, which, in decoration, looked like Kingdom Cross Station.

Harry wandered around the station for a long time and found an orphan.

The child was very strange, naked, curled up on the ground, with rough red skin, looking like it had been flayed, lying shivering under a seat, discarded and stuffed indiscriminately in the There, struggling to breathe.

Harry was scared.

Although the thing was petite, weak, and wounded, he was reluctant to approach him. But he still moved a little bit.

After hesitating for a long time, Harry finally made up his mind to save him. After approaching, he found that the child was... cold!


Harry sat alone beside the corpse, with a sad look on his face, but inexplicably happy in his heart.

He was taken aback, has he become so perverted in his heart?

But after thinking for a while, Harry felt a sharp pain in his head, and a sound came from his ears.

Instead of the red-haired woman\'s cry, it became Riddle and William\'s speech.

On and off, as if the tape recorder was in poor contact.

Then a blinding green light shrouded the station.

Harry\'s head was about to explode when he opened his eyes again and opened his mouth in astonishment as if he could fit a Quaffle.

Under the seat, another child appeared bizarrely!

Lying next to the dead baby, crying there! Harry was so upset by crying that he wanted to suffocate him with his clothes.

But he didn\'t dare to do it.

What if it was his own soul?

After an unknown amount of time, Harry finally woke up from his sleep.

He looked up and saw Ron next to him.

Harry called out, "Ron, what\'s the matter with you? Wake up, you died so miserably!"

Harry burst into tears.

"He\'s not dead yet, but he has lost a lot of vitality. I\'ve already given him a potion, and he needs to cultivate for a while." A voice came from the other side of the room.

William sat at the stone table that Riddle sat before, holding an alchemy book in his hand, watching leisurely.

"Okay, don\'t shake Ron, it will aggravate his injury." William turned a page of the book without looking up.

In William\'s arms, there was also a bald ugly bird. It was woken up, couldn\'t help but raised its head and yawned a long time.

Harry relaxed, with William here, at least he and Ron were safe and basically guaranteed.

Everyone knows that William is amazing!

Harry stood up, walked over, and asked suspiciously, "William, why do you have a turkey in your arms, all the hair is plucked out, so ugly!"


Fox was furious and spat out a mouthful of hot phlegm at Harry.

Fire Escape·Phoenix Wrath!

It\'s a pity that it has just been reborn, it is too weak, the effect is similar to that of a lighter, and it is just right to light a cigarette.

"This is Dumbledore\'s Phoenix Fox. It saved my life. It\'s not a Scottish hairless turkey." William touched Fox\'s bald head.

"Come on, fire boy, breathe fire!" William laughed and took out a skewer of mutton from the safety watch.

Fox blinked eagerly, and spit out another mouthful of flame.

William put the mutton kebab on the flame, turned it around a few times, and the kebab was cooked by the golden flame of the phoenix.

William shook, Fox opened his mouth, he gently put the meat skewer in his mouth, and it was clean in one bite.

"..." Fox was furious, and threw flames at William again.

William laughed, flicked Fox\'s little head, took out a bottle of canned fish, opened the seal, put it on the table, and motioned for it to eat.

Little Phoenix then jumped onto the table contentedly.

"William, Tom Riddle is Voldemort, and I resurrected him." Harry suddenly remembered something, he said eagerly.

"It\'s the diary, he threatened me..."

"I know, Harry." William closed the book and tapped his wand to form a stool.

"I\'ve already seen him, and when he comes, he\'ll be here waiting for me."

"And where did he go after that?" Harry sat down on the stool, eager to know about Riddle.

"Come on, drink some tranquilizers. Your spirit is very poor... Strange, you have slept all night, how can you have serious dark circles and bags under your eyes."

William took out a bottle of potion from the safety watch and handed it to the past.

Harry is a typical example of challenging the limit during the day and challenging the limit at night... He stayed up in the middle of the night, appeared in the secret room, and played exciting multiplayer sports with Riddle.

Harry stared at the gold watch on William\'s wrist.

"The alchemy item I made, the safety watch, dug a small hole in this part and cast the Unmarked Stretch Charm." William noticed Harry\'s gaze.

"Unmarked Stretching Charm...you know what?"

"I know... Hermione also has an identical gold watch in her hand." Harry said enviously.

"Professor McGonagall saw it in Transfiguration class, and she picked it up and introduced it to everyone.

Professor McGonagall praised the watch\'s high level of alchemy and, of course, its strong transfiguration skills.

Let\'s learn Transfiguration well, and we can do it in the future. "

William smiled, Professor McGonagall really spared no effort to deceive the students and let them study hard.

Harry finished drinking the potion, sure enough, his head didn\'t hurt so much.

He asked again, "Where\'s Riddle?"

"We had a fight with me. He took you as a hostage. He was so angry that he was about to tear up the ticket. He cast Avada on you, but the curse bounced back on him."

"How?" Harry was stunned.

"Professor Dumbledore should have told you," William explained.

"Before your mother died, at the cost of her life, she cast a protective magic on you...that magic could prevent Voldemort from harming you."

"Voldemort\'s magic rebounded back then, and so did Riddle. You can touch your forehead."

Harry quickly touched his head, and there was another lightning scar on his forehead.

two scars,

one left and one right,

like horns!

The original scar didn\'t hurt, but the new scar started to hurt.

The pain can also be transferred!

"Then is he dead?" Harry asked eagerly, covering the scar with his long hair.

"No. That\'s what\'s strange to me. He ran away, but he also lost most of his strength, and it\'s impossible to appear in a short time."

Harry took a breath.

He spoke again of what he had dreamed of in his dream, the two babies.

William frowned. "You said you dreamed that one of the children died, and after the green light shone, another child appeared?"

"Yes, what\'s the situation?" Harry asked.

William felt that he seemed to have figured out something, but he still shook his head and said, "I don\'t know either. I suggest you ask Professor Dumbledore."

"Maybe it was just a dream," Harry said nonchalantly.

He looked around again and wondered, "Why don\'t we leave and stay here?"

"It\'s a good question, we may never be able to leave."

William picked up the book again and said helplessly: "This room is a secret room set up by Slytherin, only Riddle can open it."

"Aren\'t we trapped here to die?" Harry asked in a panic.

"Almost so." William said calmly. "It is completely isolated here, unable to communicate with the outside world, unable to use Apparition, and unable to use sound transmission conch."

"We\'ll just have to wait for Professor Dumbledore to find a wizard who can speak Parseltongue and open the door for us."

"But what do we eat?" Harry felt hungry now.

"Don\'t worry about this, I have stored a lot of food in the safety table, enough for us to last for a while."

William glanced at Fox and joked, "Don\'t worry if you run out of food.

The phoenix can regenerate, and we couldn\'t get through it, so we cut off Fox\'s chicken wings, it was badly injured and would regenerate again.

And over and over again, we theoretically have an infinite amount of food. "

Fox was eating dried small fish. Although it had no hair to fry, it still had a small yellow croaker in its mouth and looked at William with horror.

Come on, Dumbledore, your little cutie is going to be eaten!


Wizards are really evil, crap!

William ignored Fox\'s innocuous, but endearing stare attack. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

He touched the other\'s bald head with his right hand, rested his cheek with his left, and stared at the old phoenix who had saved him several times, with an intoxicating smile.

He smiled and asked:

"Fox, you saved me several times, and I need to repay you.

Do you have any other phoenixes in your family, both elder sisters and younger sisters are fine, I will suffer a little, and I can support them, the kind that cover food and shelter.

Look, can you? "

Fox rolled his eyes and let out another breath of flame, almost turning William into the same bald man it was.

(Thanks to "Hellcat" and "Hanhankong" for their rewards)